Saturday, September 14, 2019
Advertisement Message Strategy in Developing Audience
Advertisement can be regarded as an audio as well as visual method of marketing communication that uses sponsored, professional messages for promoting or selling a particular products and services as well as ideas. Essentially, sponsors or else financiers of advertisements are businesses that intend to promote their own products or else services. Advertising is communicated through different mass media that includes both old and new media (Blackhurst et al. 2016). The old forms of mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor advertisement along with television (Huang and Sarigà ¶llà ¼ 2014). However, the advanced and new form of mass media include the direct mail, blogs, websites, text messages as well as search results among many others. Social media are also very important medium of reaching out tom customers these days. As per reports, Face book can be considered to be a very popular social media network where there are nearly 1100000000 unique visitors every month. This media is also ranked third and this followed by you tube, twitter and LinkedIn (Bauer and Lasinger 2014). Chernev (2014) refers to the fact that the primary aim and intention of advertisement is to get the particular word out that businesses have exciting offers. As rightly indicated by Hollensen (2015), advertisement can be about anything such as upcoming program of entertainment, new line of product that business will sell, expansion of existing line of products or else services and recognition of adherence to different directives of journalism that detects who, When, why, where and what. However, it is also important to select the most effective media for the advertisement depending upon the target audience of the firm. Homburg et al. (2013) rightly indicates the fact that there are different models of advertisement that explains the way advertisements work. Advertisement communication models needs to incorporate four different steps where each steps has different objectives and delivers policies as well as tactical illustrations regarding the way each step can lead to the subsequent step (Huang and Sarigà ¶llà ¼ 2014). However, from the perspective of planning process of a manager that is essentially top down, an advertisement communication comprises of decision making at four different levels such as Buyer, brand, advertisements, and media. At the stage of buyer, it is important to understand the action objectives of the target audience, communication objectives at the level of brand and processing objectives at the level of advertisements. Finally, the last stage involves exposure plans at the stage of media. As rightly indicated by Bakshi and Gupta (2013), the primary objective of studying consumer behaviour is to comprehend and assess the influence of previous experience on purchasing behaviour of different products. Consumer behaviour is essentially an important part of marketing that helps in learning the manner different individuals, groups or else corporations select, purchase use and way of disposing diverse goods. This study also includes learning factors that include prior experience, tastes as well as preferences, pricing in addition to branding based on which consumers base their decisions of purchasing. Baker and Saren (2016) correctly analyses the influence of process of packaging for decision making procedure of consumers having low income. Findings of the study suggest that consumers having low income have greater preference towards premium packaging as well as brand experience. Nevertheless, it can be observed that consumers belonging to the low income group have higher br and experience from purchases of diverse premium products at the time when it is compared to their purchasing cheap brand products. Ansari and Riasi (2016) indicates the fact that there are essentially five different steps involved in the process of consumer decision making. Evaluation of five phases of consumer decision making procedure of buying are essentially: recognition of problem, search of information, assessment of options, decisions of purchase and finally the post purchase assessment. Researchers are of the view that each phase of decision making process is somewhat different from one another but leads to a common opinion regarding what each phase involve. Aguirre et al.  (2015) states that recognition of need occurs owing to different factors as well as circumstances that includes professional, personal as well as lifestyle that in turn lead to development of idea of buying. Several prior researches conducted by academics as well as scholars on process of identificati on and analysis of diverse factors that affect purchasing behaviour of consumers. As rightly indicated by Adetunji et al.  (2014), there are different factors that affect behaviour of consumers that again can be broadly classified as situational, social, cultural as well as personal factors.  As rightly put forward by Adetunji et al.  (2014), advertisements exert immense impact on the purchasing behaviour of consumers and helps the businesses in promoting their products and services. As such, advertisements delivers a news function to different consumers. Particularly, viewers of advertisements can acquire information and learn about the different new products as well as services that can be availed by them similarly in the way they learn about different events from news. Therefore, it can be inferred that advertisements help in generation of awareness among the consumers regarding the products as well as services provided by businesses. However, information function plays a neutral role and it delivers facts without taking into account approval or else disapproval from target customers. Particularly, in this phase, consumer behaviour orients around expressions of inquisitiveness. Aguirre et al.  (2015)  cultivated that there are different tactics of advertis ements that generates psychological effects. This orients arrangement of images, words, brand or else logo that refers to ad visual. Again, it is also important to arrange the ad visual that indicates towards arrangement of fonts and colours. In addition to this, this process also includes use of particular methods of arranging ad context that includes framing, variations and medium. As correctly indicated by Bakshi and Gupta (2013), advertisements also help in the process of assessment of different features of products as well as services. It can be noted that consumers generally have a sensible response to various advertisement at the time consumers look at different facets of products or else services. However, this response concentrated on proper sequential listing of different operational aspects of different offerings. However, this can be considered as an intellectual reaction instead of emotional responses. Furthermore, advertisements also aids the process of analysis of advantages by the consumers at the time consumers become emotionally involved with advertisements as well as promotional activities of companies. In itself, it can be said in this context that repeated advertisements can affect behaviour of consumers and this repletion can serve as a reminder to different consumes (Ansari and Riasi 2016). Particularly, consumer behaviour crops from remind ers that includes sudden thoughts about the products at the time of shopping or else while arriving at decisions to purchase the good. As correctly indicated by Bakshi and Gupta (2013), advertisements also help in promotion of both loyalty or else alienation based on performance of the products compared to different advertised advantages. Bakshi and Gupta (2013) indicates the fact that it is important to understand the length of time for which the advertisement leaves an impact on consumers. In addition to this, it is also significant to understand the length of a broadcast, impression of print and online advertisements that can exert influence on customers in a bid to determine effectual reach as well as frequency. The media plan of a business needs to analyse how much is more than enough to reach to target audience and measure the exact point that represents the diminishing returns (Hollensen 2015). Again, the length for which advertisements leave an impact includes examination of lagged impact, resolving non-immediate impact of different media by means of decaying media. Aguirre et al.  (2015) opines that the advertisement efficiency can be denoted as the magnitude and scale of a particular advertisement that produces a particular influence. Enumerating the influences and impact of advertisements is vital, given the specific amount allotted for investments for the purpose of advertisement. Baker and Saren (2016) opines that it is not feasible to acquire a worldwide measure of the advertisement efficiency, it is important to develop and implement mechanisms as well as measures for a partial substantiation of outcomes. Taking into account the level of difficulty of enumerating the overall efficiency, it is important to take into consideration the advertisement interacts with diverse other business variables as well as varied effects of advertisements. The efficacy of advertisements include advertisements interacts with other business variables such as behaviour, policies of marketing as well as financial decisions and many others and other environme ntal variables namely, competition and economic conjuncture among many others. The effectiveness of advertisements needs to take into consideration different effects of advertisements that are essentially varied and are not translatable into quantitative terms. The advertisements also need to create long term effects, not always (Huang and Sarigà ¶llà ¼ 2014). As rightly mentioned by Bauer and Lasinger (2014), in academic literature as well as actual practice, analysis of efficacies of advertisements essentially has two basic models, namely, the dichotomous model and the three dimensional model. Ansari and Riasi (2016) opines that the dichotomous model is implemented particularly in product as well as brand advertisements, inclined towards isolating and evaluating separately the effect of sales as well as effect of communication. Raichelgauz et al.  (2015) opines that the effect of sales points out towards the assessment of potential advertising to affect the overall volume of sales as well as the share of the market of the firm irrespective of the probable influence of different variables. In addition to this, the effectiveness of advertisement needs to be taken into consideration for the effects on sales during the short term period. However, the process of measurement of the performance of advertisement is founded on the marginal the ory. Blackhurst et al.  (2016) suggests that the advertisements is thus regarded as the â€Å"independent variable†for the study that again can be joined with further variables of marketing to have a particular result on the specific dependent variable that is essentially trades of the firm. However, the primary intention of the advertisement is to pursue the finest blend of the determining factor behind upsurge in sales. The consequence of the communication indicates towards the capability to transmit suitable messages to a sizeable share of targeted audience (Blackhurst et al.  2016). This effect can be assessed in literature with diverse approaches such as the following: Adetunji et al. (2014) opines that the sociological assessment concentrates on different communities, regarded as a procedure regulated by different directives as well as social norms particularly on the social behaviour. As such, the role of advertisement strategies as well as consumption in the community change can be considered to be a very interesting topic. Again, the sociological aspects refers to examination of different advertisement influences viewpoints, attitudes as well as behaviours of different individuals and social segments. However, there are two different approaches of the sociological perspectives that present contradicting facets regarding the functions of advertisements in contemporary society (Chernev 2014). The sociological perspectives maintain a positive approach to advertisements. As such, it is considered that the role of advertising is to organize different economic as well as social associations, to harmonize diverse social behaviours and to make individu als stick to different common values (Bakshi and Gupta 2013). This too helps in the process of enhancement of art of living together by resolving different problems. However, the second approach is in comparison a critic as advertisement leads to generation of mass consumption. However, in a bid to present appropriate messages, the management of firms introduces innovative, poorly differentiated as well as emblematic values. As correctly indicated by Park et al.  (2013), the semiotic analysis stresses on the use of symbols and this particular approach is useful expressly in the context of creation of suitable advertisements for a business concern. These are essentially recognized as things that conveys specific meanings, for example, certain words, gestures, forms of dance as well as specific images. Madni et al. (2016) correctly mentions that the semiotic studies in detail different features of encoding and more particularly the usage of the codes. However, the primary aim and intention of the investigation is itself the message that contains diverse symbols as well as signs that can be construed as per predetermined intention, without reference to particular consumer as well as the influence of the behaviour of the consumer. As suggested by Kotler et al. (2015), process of communication in general as well as the advertisements in particular are essentially treated by different psychologists. Sheth and Sisodia (2015) mentions that the psychologists examine the motivation of different recipients of the messages of the advertisements that occupy a crucial position in the entire process of analysis. Therefore, the purpose of advertisement creator is to recognize the reasons of consumer behaviour in a bid to detect effective messages of advertisement or to remove the barriers of communication. Hollensen (2015) suggests that the psychological approach along with other types of research as well as investigation have surfaced that leads to contribution to neuroscience. Different evidence acquired by means of scientific experimentation become an essential support for substantiation of diverse assumptions. Homburg et al. (2013) refers to the fact that the psychological approach has the advantage to enumerate the e fficiency of advertisement with reference to recipient of particular message, especially to the characteristics of the consumers.  Conversely, this particular approach does not offer exhaustive replies, and does not research the accurate causes. This again provides the particular messages of advertisements to gain publicity. The messages are decoded, stored and in due course leads to purchases. Thus, it is important to taken into consideration the entire process of communication along with different external factors, particularly, the factors associated to the environment that might play a vital role in determination of the behaviour of the receiver. This process of assessment of the messages can be considered to be vital due to the influence of specific messages on the perceptions of receivers. Madni et al. (2016) opines that the motivations of customers essentially drive the behaviours of consumers, in a bid to recognize with effective advertisement. Park et al. (2013) cultivates the fact that the socio-psychological method essentially takes into consideration the message as well as recipients of the communication. However, this tactic intends to examine the efficiencies of advertisement strategies from the perspective of persuasiveness, noting influence on overall course of generation of responsiveness, memory, outlook as well as behaviour. The research methodology takes into attention the entire environment of the process of communication and the real interactions. Bakshi and Gupta (2013) suggests that the process of experimentation can be widely utilized that can help in testing of formed hypothesis and establishing the links between diverse variables by means of pre-test. This in turn also helps in gaining an advantage in terms of legitimacy of the entire process of research. The procedure also concentrates solely as well as exhaustively on direct influence of diverse variables when considered discretely is hard to tackle in actuality. Nevertheless, this method assesses definite involvement of different variables in the process of elucidating the progression of different variables that are dependent (Adetunji et al. 2014). The major limitations to the dichotomous model can be related to the partial appraisal and inability to deliver consistent breakdowns of the effects attained by advertising as well as other policies of the corporation. Again, the three-dimensional models such as AIDA model as well as model Dagmar are preferred (Blackhurst et al. 2016). Raichelgauz et al. (2015) suggests that the three-dimensional models are utilized both in planning advertising campaigns as well as evaluating the effectiveness. The models also recommend a hierarchy of effects of communication, cognitive as well as behavioural effects. Ansari and Riasi (2016) opines that evaluation of different cognitive dimensions can be related to the understanding of messages and storing of the particular messages in the memory. This memory storage includes spontaneous recall, stimulated recall, facilitated by presentation of particular substantiation, associated memory (Aguirre et al. 2015). The respondents also need to illustrate one particular elements of the process of communication, recognition of the advertising, allocation of brand and the memory of not any specific advertisement but also the brand that is advertised. As rightly put forward by Bauer and Lasinger (2014), Vodafone can be regarded as one of the foremost transnational brands and this corporation also hold the position of 11 th largest telecommunication corporation in the entire globe. In addition to this, the corporation also stands in the second position in particularly Europe. Similarly, Vodafone named as Vodafone Essar in India is also considered as one of the principal service providers of telecommunication in India. Other mobile phone providers in Australia include Optus, Telstra, Virgin Mobile and many others. Optus essentially focuses in a wide range of services related to communications counting mobile, regional, national as well as long distant telephony, network services, internet in addition to different satellite services along with television for subscription. Virgin Mobile Australia is necessarily a telecommunication corporation founded in Sydney.  This mobile phone provider also uses the Optus Network in a bid to re ach approximately 98.5% people in Oz (Ansari and Riasi 2016). As rightly put forward by Ansari and Riasi (2016), Vodafone is widely known for the exclusive advertisement campaign designed by the corporation, namely, â€Å"pug†, campaign of â€Å"happy to help†and advertisement campaign of â€Å"Zoozoo†. The management of Vodafone takes up a very challenging task of constant development of the image of the business entities. The management of Vodafone presented brilliant persona for the company that was very much appropriate for its Zoozoo advertisement campaign. As such, Zoozoos are particularly denoted as the white creatures that possesses ballooned forms along with features of egg heads. This are essentially used to endorse diverse value added services (VAS) of the corporation. Bakshi and Gupta (2013) mentions that each and every advertisement presented by the corporation has a story that are particularly enacted by the zoozoo characters. The new ad featuring the Zoozoo although look like the animated pones are actua l human beings performing in zoozoo costumes. The advertisement campaigns generally have different implications from the economic standpoints. Madni et al. (2016) suggested that the company Vodafone functions fundamentally in an oligopoly arcade that is categorised by presence of few sellers as well as mutual interdependence. This is essentially a market where all the sellers intends outdo the other players in the market by means of price war that refers to the curtailing of prices as well as â€Å"non-price wars†(Hollensen 2015). The advertisement strategies of a corporation can be considered to be a â€Å"non-price war†where all the players operating in a particular market intends to gain competitive advantage through implementation of innovative as well as exclusive advertisement strategies for generating greater mass appeal. The advertisement campaigns of the company Vodafone are also directed towards outdoing the strategies of the rival players in the market. The management of Vodafone has too attempted to symbolise an appearance of common people belonging to urban areas who can be regarded as the main driving potency behind the augmented use of service of telecom as well as services of VAS offered particularly in the telecommunication business (Baker and Saren 2016). In addition to this, the management of the company Vodafone have tried to present as well as showcase the ways the offers of the company Vodafone can prove to be useful for the urban common people through the Zoozoo characters of the advertisement of the firm. Chernev (2014) suggested that the management of the company Vodafone intended to attract and draw the attention of the target customers of the company not by normal advertisements but by means of catchy as well as funny advertisements. The advertisements of the company also tries to promote different Value added Services offered by the corporation. Therefore, the advertisements of Vodafone also tries to create awareness, growth in sales, and segmentation of market and identification of brand. Adetunji, R.R., Nordin, S.M. and Noor, S.M., 2014. The Effectiveness of Integrated Advertisement Message Strategy in Developing Audience-Based Brand Equity. Global Business and Management Research, 6(4), p.308. 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