Monday, September 30, 2019
Comparing and contrasting three poems that portray the yearning to belong Essay
We all long to be a part of something and to feel accepted, irrespective of age, culture and society. Similarly, Stephen Spender’s poem, â€Å"My Parents kept Me from Children who were Rough†, Moniza Alvi’s â€Å"An Unknown Girl†and Phyllis McCormack’s â€Å"Crabbit Old Woman†talk about how each of the poets long to be a part of a certain society or culture, and this longing outlines the underlying theme across all three poems. My Parents kept Me from Children who were Rough is about childhood bullying and regret. The narrator experiences bullying at a young age and I sense a feeling of regret as the poet wished he could be a part of the group of rough boys. I get the impression that the narrator, now at his adult stage, feels that he did not make the most of his childhood, and this was perhaps due to class differentials. Whereas, Moniza Alvi’s poem reveals how the narrator had left her hometown at a young stage and when she returns, she yearns to be a part of it. I believe she finds it difficult to reconcile her roots with her foreign lifestyle and falls under the dilemma where she is forced to choose one life, despite her strong desire for both. We get a contrasting idea in Crabbit Old Woman, as it is a plea to break free from the stereotypical image of old people. The old woman feels that she is being judged unfairly because her body has crumbled. She expresses how her soul remains intact, and would like the nurses to realize that her â€Å"battered heart swells†with undiscovered vivacity. All the three poems have an underlying theme of belonging. My parents†¦ is about how the narrator â€Å"longed†to fit in with the group of bullies. The world being so brutal, made growing up hard for the narrator. At a young age, the narrator probably needed to feel wanted and important and hence, wanted to be part of a group. There are many other significant themes present, such as a theme of childhood bullying, as the narrator fears the boys who had â€Å"muscles like irons†. A theme of regret, coupled with loneliness is distinguished, as the poet â€Å"longed to forgive†the bullies, but never had the chance. The constant use of â€Å"I†and â€Å"Me†tells the readers how the poet was lonesome. Therefore, I get the impression that the poem is written based on a bitter childhood memory. I feel sorry for the poet as he was made fun of for his â€Å"lisp†and the bullies’ â€Å"salt-coarse pointing†, which seems to have a ffected the poet’s life greatly, even throughout his adult phase. Similarly, in An unknown girl, the poet wants to belong to her native community, which she once left behind. There is a theme of admiration, as her fascination for the â€Å"evening bazaar studded with neon†is clearly depicted. In addition to that, a theme of self-identity is found, as the poet is desperately trying to find herself through her roots. She is â€Å"unknown†to herself. Whereas, the narrator in Crabbit Old Woman wants to belong in a world and society untouched by the evils of stereotype. She would like to feel accepted and gain the same respect as everybody else. She hopes the â€Å"nurses†would include her in their world, and would look beyond her physical inabilities, in order to admire and recognise the beautiful life she has lived and experienced. Alongside that central theme, a great deal of regret is conveyed, as the narrator immensely resents the way she is stereotyped, and hopes to prove that she is still young at heart. There is also a nostalgic sensation in the poem, as the narrator indulges in reminisces about her past experiences and life stages. I believe that the titles of each poem represent the reason for the narrators’ inability to belong. â€Å"My Parents kept Me from Children who were Rough†suggests how the poet blames his parents for not being able to bask in the pleasures the bullies experienced, as they were very protective of him. I get the impression that he envied the other children’s freedom, in contrast to his restricted life enforced upon him. On the other hand, the title â€Å"An Unknown Girl†has a double meaning as it could refer to the actual girl hennaing the poet’s hand or it may refer to the poet itself. The poet finds this culture overwhelming yet admires it, and she strongly craves to be a part of it. Moreover, the title â€Å"Crabbit Old Woman†itself illustrates the way the old woman is perceived by the nurses. This stereotypical image is what prevents the nurses from exploring the real â€Å"old woman†and prevents her from belonging into their worl d. Structure aids a reader to visualise a poem and the free verse structure in An Unknown Girl expresses the narrator’s exploration of thought and conveys her dream-like admiration. The lack of pauses in the poem is successful, as these would break the connection between the narrator and the bazaar. I felt the layout of the poem was particularly striking, and this furthermore made me realize that it could symbolize the pretty henna, which is described as â€Å"icing†to us, enhancing its graceful manner. Similarly, the use of enjambment in Crabbit Old Woman depicts to the reader the constant running of thoughts and memories of the various stages of life of the old woman. This creates a fast pace coupled with a constant rhyme and free flowing rhythm, which contrasts with the impression the nurses have of old people being slow. I believe the poet chose to use a fast pace and rhyme, to further emphasis that point. Moreover, I feel the use of three structured stanzas with four lines each in My parents†¦ made me realize how the narrator was always forced to follow his parents’ rules and hence, control himself from many things. As a child, one is helpless in front of his or her parents’ decisions and therefore, I feel as if the author felt caged. I sometimes feel obligated to my parents’ decisions and this often aggravates me, hence I can understand the underlying tone of anger and blame placed upon the parents in this poem. The use of effective language by the poets helps suggest the ideas of the poems. The constant use of similes in My Parents†¦ show the child’s admiration and interest for the bullies; as â€Å"muscles like iron†suggests strength and power, which are qualities that generally excite young boys. â€Å"Torn Clothes†reveal class differentiation and this helped justify the reason why the parents did not want the narrator to be a part of the bullies. On the contrary, Moniza Alvi uses striking imagery in her poem, as she paints a wonderful metaphoric image in our minds depicting her state of longing to be a part of this culture. The way the narrator will â€Å"lean across a country [India] with my hands outstretched longing for the unknown girl in the neon bazaar†is a very powerful image. I can almost imagine an anxious woman holding out her arms, in hope to receive her roots; it gives me the idea that the narrator is practically begging for this connection with her hometown. â€Å"Colours leave the street float up in balloons†is another influential metaphoric image. This symbolizes how the poet is trying to reach out for something [her roots], but it is not within her grasp. Moreover, the constant repetition of â€Å"an unknown girl is hennaing my hand†gives me the impression that the poet needs to constantly remind herself that she connects with this place; showing her desperation to remain connected to her roots. I chose these poems as I felt I could relate to them very well. I can understand Alvi’s situation, as I myself am away from my country of origin and often I find myself indulging in a more foreign culture, yet many a times I get nostalgic about the place I come from, despite feeling detached and distant from it. In addition, I think I could share my thoughts and feelings very well with My parents†¦ as it is about a young adult, just like me. Fitting in and being part of a group of children is very vital and therefore, I solemnly sympathize with the narrator. Lastly, I think Crabbit Old Woman deals with a great problem of stereotypical images, which are present in all works of life. It was inspiring to see the old woman standing up against these stereotypical images created by society. The poem made me to realize that I need to offer more respect and admiration for the older generation. All the three poems are written in a unique style and each one conveys very deep issues, in accordance with the universal theme of belonging. All the poets were very much successful in conveying their ideas and they were able to create a lasting impact upon the readers.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Byzantine Christians Essay
Until the middle of the nineteenth century, historians and geographers in the European world held that history has a Locus. For them, pre-modern history began in the Bible Lands and it started moving westward and northward from western Asia into and across Western Europe. By 1492 the world scope of history was Eurasia. Only after 1492 did the world expand to include areas outside of Eurasia. For these historians, Africa, Oceania, the Americas, and part of Southeast Asia had no history until Europeans brought it to them in the sixteenth century and afterwards. These regions did not exist until discovered by Europeans. REVIEWING THE PAST: Pre-contact history of the Americas does not have the same level of conceptual reality of post-contact history. Only very few world historians seem to know o about the native traditions that existed in pre-Columbian America. The post-Columbian world is filled with abstract frameworks such as the ‘Slave Trade’, ‘Colonialism’ ’poverty’ , beginning with Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, ancient China and Egypt, the Assyrians and Persians, and ending with the Greeks, Romans and Byzantine Christians. American Indian civilizations, primarily those of the Aztecs and Incas, only form a backdrop to the post-conquest European themes of contact, settlement, and expansion. COLONIALISM: Throughout the contemporary world native and aboriginal peoples face disputes regarding their human rights, political participation, and claims to their ancestral economic resources where historical globalization began in the fifteenth century. Since then, colonialism and neocolonialism emerged in the global system. Natives and aboriginals were subjected to the worst side of the globalization process. We still can witness the legacy of such a development in the form of shabby leftovers. ECONOMY AND SLAVERY: Precious metals, commodities, and slave labor from the New World and Africa spurred the development of mercantile capitalism, the rise of the bourgeoisie, and the maturation of European absolutist states. These, in conjunction with encounters with different peoples, gave birth to a synergy of political ideologies and philosophical tools that propelled Europe to world domination. The invention of America involved the simultaneous invention of Europe as the â€Å"West. †conclusion: â€Å"The third-class people of the world have risen up and there is nothing we can do about it. †By the third-class citizens of the world are people outside white Europe and the United States. In 57 years as well, global interconnectedness has made itself ever more minutely felt through the communications revolution, the globalization of trade and production, and massive new migrations. Modernization analysis in the late 1950s began to take on a distinctive shape of its own. An intellectual transformation , a political transformation and a social transformation that mobilized human resources in an efficient way and engaged them in the process of modernization and globalization.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Conformist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Conformist - Essay Example Because of this, he is assigned a duty by his bosses; to kill a professor. This is because he has some power within him and has worked with the Italian police. The period in which he worked with the police was during the reign of the Mussolini. He goes to exile to show his loyalty to the state. The movie clearly depicts the major psychological needs of the fascism of the Italians whereby conformity easily turns to obsession. The desire of the people leads them to engage in very cruel acts. Marcello’s parents do not satisfy his childhood desires and that is why he becomes greedy. He becomes very furious with people who are close to him. At home, he has a very small room where he studies with several items scattered in the house. He even enjoys the privacy to hold an old pistol that his father once had. This perhaps makes him want to join the police force. He also loves objects that are forbidden. He also evidently very possessive which later makes him suffer (Moravia and Calliope 4). Marcello marries a wife who loves him very much. He finds a strange woman, who marries him during his stay in exile. The woman does not care if Marcello is from a place she has never been to. Marcello is a competent police officer and a silent one too. He can be used to perform a duty that must remain secret. He is assigned to kill his professor, something that he is against. This makes him flee into exile. Falling in love with the woman makes Marcello want to share all that was hidden inside him. The woman is so compelling, that Marcello decides to let the cat out of the sack. Later, his life changes abruptly because of a woman. His corrupt nature reveals itself to his wife and all the people that are close to him. The philosophical needs of Marcello are to be fulfilled this time by a woman who was not initially his. He is very close to the professor who is blind. For this reason,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Is Immigration a Cause of Crime or is the Fear Media Based Research Paper
Is Immigration a Cause of Crime or is the Fear Media Based - Research Paper Example Those who support the idea that immigration is a cause of crime suggest that illegal immigrants are more likely to cause an increase in crime since the mere fact that they are in the country illegally suggests that have no respect for law and order. However, States (such as Arizona), which claim to be responding to this assumption by enforcing strict immigration laws and policies are often just responding to fear of immigrants that is spread by the media. In fact, contrary to the perception that illegal immigrants are a cause of crime, some studies have shown that it is extreme immigration policies and laws that are more likely to lead to an increase in crime (Fisher). This is because such laws cause fear and resentment among immigrants and this leads to lack of co-operation between immigrants and law enforcement officers. Because of this, law enforcement officers are less likely to detect crime and protect the victims of crime who live within immigrant communities since such victims do not come forward. Laws like Arizona’s are therefore counterproductive (Fisher). According to studies that have been conducted by various sociologists, people are generally afraid of the things/people that they do not understand. Since immigrants are foreigners, it is easy for people to believe most of the information found in the media which suggests that the presence immigrants is a major cause of crime. However, such information is often not based on any solid facts or proper research of crime patterns in various regions. Actually, some sociologists even suggest that the minimal research that has been conducted on this matter has proven that contrary to popular belief, native citizens are more likely to commit crimes than immigrants (McDonald). Studies of the common immigration patterns show that a large percentage of the people who migrate to the US (either legally or illegally) are young men who in most cases have little or no education. Because of this, such immigran ts are easily stereotyped as being likely to commit crimes since their lack of formal education means they are not likely to get jobs (Rumbaut). Based on this, the media creates the perception that immigrants cause crime. This incorrect perception causes fear and ignorance among policy makers and the public. As such, it is accurate to say that immigration does not cause crime and any claims to the contrary are often not based on reason. Since stereotypes are created out fear, they are rarely based on facts and hence those who claim that immigration causes crime based on stereotypes are mistaken. Over the past decade, the number of Hispanics who have been imprisoned has risen substantially. Some media organizations have wrongly concluded that this means that immigrants cause crime and this is the message they spread to their audience/readers. Contrary to this viewpoint, most of the convicted Hispanics are in most cases native born and are not immigrants. Therefore, the perception by the public that immigrants cause crime is at best a myth. As such, when policy makers respond
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Representation of war in media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Representation of war in media - Essay Example The media is said to assume a dichotomous coverage of the war where the conflicting sides are portrayed either as good/evil, innocent/guilty, heroic/despotic, united/fragmented and other descriptions that tends to put one side on the positive light and assassinate the character of the other. (Martin, 1993) This paper seeks to analyze the film Jarhead with regards to the way it represents war. I will be laying out the relevant concepts by providing a historical context thru the use of two other films namely Platoon and the Green Berets. I will then proceed into a contextual analysis of the Jarhead film and illustrate its significance thru the application of the audience theory. It is hoped that this paper could show how the media can affect the psyche of the audience with regards to war and conflict. According to Martin and Pedro (2006), author of the book Rethinking Global Security: Media, Popular Culture, and the War on Terror, the utilization of the media for the war effort has been one of the focus of PSYOPS which is an integral part of modern military affairs. This can come in the form of using printed leaflets, radio and television broadcast and even internet press release all of which try to persuade enemy combatants to surrender peacefully and avoid further harm. The use of the media is not directed towards enemy combatants alone, they are also directed towards the populace of the projected protagonist side. Slater (1991) relates that military officials have long recognized the benefits of using the film industry to influence public opinion due to its wide reach and popularity. In the United States, the Pentagon has a special department called film liaison office that works with Hollywood in making war movies. The relationship is as follows: Hollywood gets to use military equipment such as tanks, helicopters, aircraft carriers, troops and even live munitions for free. In return, the Pentagon is given the right to approve the script and edit it so that the U.S. military is portrayed in a positive light while the enemies are depicted as evil and abusive. The relationship has other uses as well such as propaganda for recruitment. Martin and Pedro (2006) observe that the military "know that when positive images are portrayed in movies and television shows, they see huge spikes in recruitment. The military is really pressing to get into these pictures". 2.2 The Green Beret and the Vietnam War One perfect example of how the military establishment and the film industry worked together for propaganda purposes was in the film The Green Berets which was a cinematic portrayal of the lives of U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War. The cinematic treatment of the Vietnam War took time to develop because American society was very sensitive about the discussing the war which created deep divisions, exhausted the treasury and sacrificed many of its soldiers but ultimately resulted to their defeat in spite of numerous successful military campaigns. It does not mean, however, that there was no film produced during the war. (Studlar and Desser, 1990) The Green Berets (1968) was the only film addressing the Vietnam War produced while the war occurred. The film was directed by and starred John Wayne,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Death penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Death penalty - Essay Example And if it can, under what circumstances should it be used? Does the punishment acts as a deterrent? What are the alternatives? Does it contribute to a safe and secure environment? This debate is unlikely to end soon (Stearman, 2007). This debate is clearly one that is bound to go on for a long time with passionate debaters and defenders of stands on both sides of the argument. In this essay I take a stand on this debate by supporting the death penalty. I offer several reasons for this stand and provide references on the same. Some advocates of the death penalty offer support to the practice arguing that the death penalty justifies itself because it saves taxpayers the greater costs of supporting an inmate for a lifetime, or many decades, in prison. This economic assumption rests in part on the belief that executions happen more quickly and efficiently than serving a life sentence (Gerber & Johnson, 2007). Another related belief among supporters of capital punishment lies in the notio n that the system of justice, like the legal system generally, is nearly infallible. While the system may commit an occasional mistake, such mistakes readily appear and can be made to disappear in the magic of the appellate process. This view normally also maintains that our capital machinery accurately separates the guilty from the innocent and punishes accordingly, without regard to race or social status or finances. Some people nursing this cluster of beliefs like to say that the wheels of justice move slowly but â€Å"exceedingly fine.†The legal process always succeeds, eventually, in separating the wheat from the chaff and does so impartially. Given their career investment in this system, judges have been known to entertain this belief (Gerber & Johnson, 2007). Some supporters of the death penalty also take a moralistic approach. To these kinds of people the main justification for the death penalty lies in giving every offender his â€Å"due.†In this philosophic al position capital punishment finds its support in the notion of moral â€Å"desert†, where desert implies a punishment required to be proportionate in kind, severity, or amount of pain matching the original crime. Advocates of this view maintain that the most convincing justification for the death penalty lies in the assertion that punishment should mirror the gravity of the initial crime, as in the phrase, â€Å"an eye for an eye, and a life for a life†(Gerber & Johnson, 2007). A particularly recent justification for the death penalty considers the plight of suffering victims. Some victim advocates maintain that the death penalty finds its primary justification in its ability to nurture victims in either or both of two ways – by providing a kind of â€Å"closure†to their painful victimization and/or by providing an outlet for their emotional need for vengeance. The ascendancy of these victim rationales for punishment plays a major role today in suppo rt for capital punishment. Some segments of the victim rights movement assert that the wishes of hurting victims alone require capital punishment of those who had caused their unfortunate plight (Gerber & Johnson, 2007). Another more legalistic belief, espoused by some constitutional scholars, including some Supreme Court justices, asserts that fidelity to the constitution requires adherence to the beliefs and practices of our Founders. When a constitutional text about capital
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Unethical Behavior and Hiring Ethical People Essay
Unethical Behavior and Hiring Ethical People - Essay Example A survey conducted in 2009 established that roughly over 3000 personnel are in habit of practicing unethical routines within the organization. The bitter episode of Lehman brothers was an example of unethical practices. Other surveys showed that considerable percentage of their co workers were negligent about ethical considerations and their violations. Another survey conducted in 2009 showed that the rates of unethical habits were at a staggering high rate despite the penalties being awarded in recent pasts. The unethical means so adopted were observed in the various forms, few of which are as following: Various other elements count for ethical decays. Racial discrimination is another serious ethical misconduct that might exist in individuals. In other words, there are some factors that we have stress on within aforementioned context: The scope of unethical behavior by individuals is not limited to certain organizations, many a times, through surveys, it has been established that even the big wigs in the industry have short comings pertaining to the ethical norms being ignored by the personnel in the incumbent organizations. An interesting feature highlighted and identified through surveys regarding unethical practices revealed that managers and other top officials were equal participants of the felonies committed under the umbrella of ethical violations. This comes in form of untrue work experiences, and other skills being possessed by the managers. Other infringements highlighted included minor things as use of office stationery, phone calls from office places for personal reasons to family members and other similar minor offences. In a surprising sequence of events, in army which has strict code of ethics for its soldiers, the soldiers were comprehended on account of unethical practices when they violated the rules by means of an online application program. The impact of unethical practices is not just limited to personal performances; rather it
Monday, September 23, 2019
Consulting in Organizations... for In and Out Advertising Essay
Consulting in Organizations... for In and Out Advertising - Essay Example The today's business world is changing in a very fast rate. The market expansion, advancement in technology, mergers and acquisitions, need for business restriction, financial constriction and government's legislation are calling for charges in business so that they can keep page with the new dynamic world. To find markets for their products organization's needs to advertise so as to create awareness of the products availability to the general customers, advertisement can be done locally, regionally, nationally and internationally depending on the type of products to be advertised. The report carries different theories that are appropriated for effective advertising in an organization. The theories covered under this report include, PESTEL, SWOT analysis, the Senge's five learning disciplines and porter's five forces. Political factor/ environment will include the tax policies by the government, government's business regulation; imposed trade tariffs and restrictions among others. Any business organization is supposed to known the tax policies affecting various regions this will help them in estimating the advertising costs in every region this evaluating its importance. The business organization is also supposed to know the government's business regulation so as to know the type of products to deal with and how to ... The business organization is also supposed to know the government's business regulation so as to know the type of products to deal with and how to advertise for the same, they also ought to know imposed tariffs and restrictions which will provide important guide on the regions on which advertisement can be done. The organization can apply the political dogma which is a set of philosophy, ethics and supposition within a given society. The political factor emerges as the most tumultuous in all the environmental forces. Any business organization needs to equip itself with the knowledge on the prevailing political climate whether locally, internationally, nationally and regionally. The political climate plays a great role in determining and evaluating the likelihood of business failure or business success. If the political climate is unstable then it will affect product's marketability affecting negatively on the total sales volume. In such a scenario it is not advisable for firms to extend their advertisement on such regions experiencing political instability. Such advertising efforts may not yield anything for the company translating into huge loses in terms of advertising in a region / nation that is politically stable will yield more success to the company a thing that enhances advertising. (Ansoff, 1965) The business organization needs to know how the economic factor affects its business enterprise, for example, if the business is being operated under a small economy then it means that greater efforts need to be applied on advertising so as to increase the sales volume. This can be extended up to the international level so as to
Sunday, September 22, 2019
PEP - netball Essay Example for Free
PEP netball Essay Bike ride: aim to do an hours bike ride around Froyle, Bentley, Binsted etc (suggestions only) and pace yourself to reach the hour. Dont worry about getting up to early because its a Saturday and your next activity is at 14:30; but dont forget lunch! Afternoon Go to the park to play football or basketball at the park. This way you can enjoy yourself whilst doing an aerobic activity with some anaerobic working (sprints etc) could also go and find the boat and go rowing down the river and work on your upper body strength so undercuts will be easier to save. Row down to Binsted or further. Could also go cycling. Aim to be working for at least 3 hours. Evening Nothing: go and play with your friends or just rest! Wednesday Morning Afternoon Paper round: as this is my job I kind of have to do this. The cycling helps to build up the leg muscles and improves the aerobic system. Could do time trials when on the way there and back and try to improve my time each day. Big Bike ride: get a few friends together, a packed lunch and bikes to go on an 8 hour bike ride (Inc lunch)! Try not to have to many rests but also dont over exert yourself though! Evening Weights: Firstly do 150 bicep curls, 15 sets of 10 reps as this will help with me stick and glove save. Next do 20 quad thrusts (I think thats what theyre called!) as this will help with my kick in hockey and let me clear the ball further and faster. Afterwards do 50 (5 sets of 10 reps) sit-ups with the 22 lb dumbbells as this will help keep the correct head, knee, tip-toe position throughout the whole match. Lastly do 30 (3 sets of 10 reps) press-ups as this will help with muscles around the arms and the arm muscles. Week 4: Fourth week Thursday Morning Paper round: as this is my job I kind of have to do this. The cycling helps to build up the leg muscles and improves the aerobic system. Could do time trials when on the way there and back and try to improve my time each day. Afternoon Go to the sports centre and first do a certain sport like badminton, racket ball or swimming etc as this will work on the aerobic system. After doing this go to the gym and do whichever circuit you have been given by the trainer. Should hopefully work on aerobic/cardiovascular system, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. Evening Nothing: go and play with your friends or just rest! Friday Morning Paper round: as this is my job I kind of have to do this. The cycling helps to build up the leg muscles and improves the aerobic system. Could do time trials when on the way there and back and try to improve my time each day. Bike ride: aim to do 2 hours bike ride around Froyle, Bentley, Binsted etc (suggestions only) and pace yourself to reach the 2 hours. Dont worry about getting up to early because its a Saturday and your next activity is at 14:30; but dont forget lunch! Afternoon Go to the park to play football or basketball at the park. This way you can enjoy yourself whilst doing an aerobic activity with some anaerobic working (sprints etc) could also go and find the boat and go rowing down the river and work on your upper body strength so undercuts will be easier to save. Row down to Binsted or further. Could also go cycling. Aim to be working for at least 4 hours. Evening Weights: Firstly do 150 bicep curls, 15 sets of 10 reps as this will help with me stick and glove save. Next do 30 quad thrusts (I think thats what theyre called!) as this will help with my kick in hockey and let me clear the ball further and faster. Afterwards do 70 (7 sets of 10 reps) sit-ups with the 22 lb dumbbells as this will help keep the correct head, knee, tip-toe position throughout the whole match. Lastly do 40 (4 sets of 10 reps) press-ups as this will help with muscles around the arms and the arm muscles. Saturday Morning Nothing to do! Stay in bed or get up and do whatever. Afternoon Go to the sports centre and first do a certain sport like badminton, racket ball or swimming etc as this will work on the aerobic system. After doing this go to the gym and do whichever circuit you have been given by the trainer. Should hopefully work on aerobic/cardiovascular system, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. Evening Nothing: go and play with your friends or just rest! Sunday Morning Big Bike ride: get a few friends together, a packed lunch and bikes to go on a 9 hour bike ride (Inc lunch)! Try not to have to many rests but also dont over exert yourself though! Afternoon Big Bike ride: get a few friends together, a packed lunch and bikes to go on a 9 hour bike ride (Inc lunch)! Try not to have to many rests but also dont over exert yourself though! Evening Weights: Firstly do 150 bicep curls, 15 sets of 10 reps as this will help with me stick and glove save. Next do 30 quad thrusts (I think thats what theyre called!) as this will help with my kick in hockey and let me clear the ball further and faster. Afterwards do 70 (7 sets of 10 reps) sit-ups with the 22 lb dumbbells as this will help keep the correct head, knee, tip-toe position throughout the whole match. Lastly do 40 (4 sets of 10 reps) press-ups as this will help with muscles around the arms and the arm muscles.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Tangibility and intangibility of humanity Essay Example for Free
Tangibility and intangibility of humanity Essay In my artwork which is done in clay I attempted to portray how high and low culture can be merged in a sculpture. My intention for this piece was to portray a character normally found in fiction, and; attribute it with features that express human emotion. Looking at my piece one could easily say that the bust portrayed is that of a non-existent creature, such as an alien or a gargoyle. However, in portraying my theme, I intentionally gave the sculpture a downcast expression as seen in the hollow and downturned eyes as well as the bowed position of the bust. Here, I would like to portray the contrast between the tangibility and intangibility of humanity where the intangibility is represented by the existence of imaginary or self-inflicted states as I would like to portray in the creature and the tangibility which is represented by the human emotions in the piece. In doing this I believe I was able to achieve what Jeff Coons tried to achieve in many of his artworks where he tries to represent two levels of culture and society in a singular artwork to establish the link between the concepts and ideas. For instance, in his piece â€Å"Rabbit†he is able to express the merging of two diametrically opposed concepts, novelty and value. The mere fact that the artwork is done in metal but is of a common object, an inflatable bunny, makes the artwork representative of two different social spectrums. This is what I wanted to achieve in my artwork. I can say that I was able to achieve this in my piece by taking something out of fantasy and using this to portray the very real emotions of humanity. The effect is an apparent fusion between the two concepts which all the more makes it interesting. What my artwork represents is not however strange or foreign except for the fact that there are no fantastical creatures in real life. What it is representative of is the very real phenomenon of derivation of emotional instability or the lack of it from the existence of unreal of fictional situations. This concept is quite common among people of high society who believe in one thing but portray another. So, in effect the merging of the high and the low of culture could be easily expressed in my artwork as the apparent and the real – what can be seen but is not real and what cannot be seen but is real and genuine. This same concept is portrayed by Koon in his artwork of Michael Jackson and his pet monkey – this is an illustration of how a piece, while featuring two very famous figures or household names, actually represents two layers of society and even satirizes the contrast between Jackson and the monkey on a more intimate level. In addition to the features of my artwork that I mentioned I would also like to mention the reason why I intentionally gouged out a line that runs from the forehead down to the chin. While this particular feature seems to present the creature as a humanoid hybrid between man and ape, which all the more makes it a fusion of two cultures, the line also makes obvious what normally are imaginary lines in anatomy. This makes the piece more verbose in its portrayal of the tangible and the intangible. I used these features in my artwork because I consider genuineness in emotion a component of high culture and the concealment of these emotions in fantasy a component of low culture. I am aware though that the piece I did is not as articulate as I expected it to be, but in more ways than one, it expresses what I want to convey to my viewers. Another aspect that I would like viewers to take notice of is the medium and what is portrayed using the medium – I portrayed a fantastical creature using a mundane medium making an even stark contrast between the heights of fantasy and the lows of reality.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Performance of the Bretton Wood System
Performance of the Bretton Wood System THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BRETTON WOOD SYSTEM This essay will assess the performance of the Bretton Wood system which was first established in 1944 by 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations who gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, and began an international control of global monetary relations between nations. The essay will show that the system has been relatively successful and contributed towards the development of global free trade amongst nations and helped prevent the kind of economic disasters such as the Great Depression of the 1930s, which was felt to have been one of the causes of World War 11. However, the essay will also argue that criticism of the Bretton Woods as merely the vehicle for US hegemony over the international economy is also justified. The Bretton Woods System began in 1944 with the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, and established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). In the new agreement on the monetary system, each country member must ensure the exchange rate of its currency is remained within a fixed value,in terms of gold and for the IMF to help support countries suffering temporary imbalances of payments (Markwell, 2006). The Bretton Woods agreement came near the end of a World War that had devastated the globe and many thought that the war itself was partly a result of the economic policies of the pre-war years. In the 1930s the United States preferred policies of isolationism that led them to demand repayment of Allied war debts from World War 1 and caused countries to independently set economic conditions for global trade that cause deflationary problems that aggravated the decline of world trade, led to mass unemployment and negatively affected the majority of the economies of the developed world. The most serious outcome was the decline in the international flow of capital and the retarding of development of international investment. The War left the main economies aware that peace could only be maintained if countries cooperated and efficiently managed the value and exchange rates of currencies. As Cordell Hull (US Secretary of State) argue if there was a freer system of trading where countries treated fairly and eased on trading regulations, they could all raise their living standards, therefore, economic development would be a peaceful competition, thus eliminating the economic dissatisfaction that breeds war (Hull, 1948, p.81) Keynesian economic theory was now the dominant foundation of most countries economic policy-making and this promoted a greater role for government in trade with national politics based on governments assuming a responsibility towards all their citizens. The War also left countries feeling a clear need for economic cooperation and peace to be maintained through trade and that trade to be structured by an international monetary system based on free markets (Markwell, 2006). However, it was the plan of Harry Dexter White from the US Treasury, rather than Keyness own plan that was the main framework for the Bretton system, and this showed from the outset that the dominant nation in the system would be the USA, leading to accusations that the Bretton system is little more than an economic vehicle for American hegemony (Strange, 1996) The first goal of the new approach to global trade was post-war reconstruction of the devastated economies of Europe and Asia. The Bretton Woods system, as the ‘first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern currency relations among sovereign states†(Cohen, 2009, p.1). However, the reality was that Europe and large parts of Asia were in virtual economic collapse due to the World War and the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) needed to also be supported by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, now known as the World Bank (WB). The system was designed to regulate â€Å"the par value exchange rates and lend reserve currencies to nations with trade deficits†thus enabling them with international assistance to re-build their economies and later to help finance the poor or developing countries with their reconstruction projects (Stephey, 2008, p.1) If we examine how nations did recover from the War and the impressive development in the 1950s and 1960s of countries like Germany and Japan, then our assessment of this period of the Bretton Woods, aligned with the Marshal Plan for reconstruction, must agree that Bretton was a positive influence and relatively of some success. The Great Depression in the 1930s was due to the lack of a leading, dominant state to play a hegemonic role in the international economy. In Bretton Woods institutions the US dollar was the dominant currency and became the extension of American hegemony to the international economy (Stephey, 2008, p.2). However, as Susan Strange noted, any multilateral institution might become merely the â€Å"instruments of the structural strategy and foreign policy of the dominant state†, and for many critics of the IMF and the World Bank, the problem is the dominance through these institutions of the majority of the globes nations by a very few powerful nations led b y the US (Strange, 1996). The IMF is seen as a multilateral institution that lends money to governments to stabilize currencies and maintain order in international financial markets. However, its lending carries stringent loan conditions that many see as contributing to worsening conditions for the majority of citizens in the countries that are least able to compete with the economic might of developed countries (Strange, 1996). The IMF is supposed to focus on creating ‘a stable climate for international trade by harmonising its members monetary policies, and maintaining exchange stability (Bretton Woods Project, 2005). It can ‘provide temporary financial assistance to countries encountering difficulties with their balance of payments and it is based on consensual decision-making with the aim of ‘helping countries whose economies are under-developed or in crisis (Bretton Woods Project, 2005). However, to assess the success of this one has to evaluate the degree of ‘fairness in IMF/World Bank strategies and many critics, like Strange (1996) and Mazzei (2007) are highly critical of the true purpose of the Bretton Woods System. For example, Mazzei (2007) finds that it is the ‘poor countries that actually finance the World Bank and not the other way around (p.2). Mazzei notes how ‘that for 20 years poor countries have financed the World Bank, while it is rich countries that co ntribute only 1/4 of total fund and yet it is them who hold 3/4 of the votes (p.2). The first major point of concern for the global economy was in 1971 when the US used its power over the global economy through the Bretton Woods system to protect its own interests against those of the rest of the world. The United States unilaterally terminated convertibility of the dollar to gold. The US could now unilaterally control the global economy by insisting that the United States dollar became the sole backing of currencies and a reserve currency for all the member states (Strange, 1996, p.20). This actually led to the virtual collapse of the Bretton Woods System in the 1970s and plunged the world into economic decline while it fought to adjust to the changes brought about by US policies (Strange, 1996; Cohen, 2009, Calleo and Rowland, 1973). The US ended the tying of the Dollar to the Gold Standard and left it and other global currencies to float free. Keynes had originally planned that the world adopt a global currency but it was adoption in 1944 of Dexter Whites own pla n to make the dominant trading currency of the world the Dollar that had structured the future policies of the IMF/World Bank and allowed the US to have the power to dominate the globes trade. By the 1970s the US was coming under strong criticism for its unilateral control of global trading. French President Charles De Gaulle ‘claimed that the international monetary system allowed the United States to live beyond its means and forced the European surplus countries to finance Americas military empire overseas (Gavin, 2002, p.4). The Bretton Woods system was designed to separate monetary economic policies from power politics, and yet, by the 1970s it had become ‘highly politicized and required constant political intervention to keep the system functioning smoothly (Gavin, 2002, p.5). The faults of the Bretton Woods System were listed by Bordo (1991, p.20) as ‘the gold exchange standard, which placed the United States under threat of a convertibility crisis secondly the problems with the ‘adjustable peg, because, in the face of growing capital mobility, the costs of discrete changes in parities were deemed so high, the system evolved into a reluctant f ixed exchange rate system without any effective adjustment mechanism and finally that ‘U.S. monetary policy was inappropriate for a key currency. Thus, the Bretton Woods System collapsed in the 1970s but its basic institution of the IMF and subsequently the World Bank remain as the guiding bodies of the international economy. The World Banks task is lending to promote the growth of world trade and to finance the post-war reconstruction of European economies. It is a ‘multilateral institution that lends money to governments and government agencies for development projects. However, the Bank also imposes harsh conditions through Structural Adjustment Programs, forcing countries to adopt reforms, deregulate capital markets, promote privatisation of state enterprises, and downsize public programs for social welfare. This results in policies such as privatisation of utility suppliers, bringing in fees and privatisation of education and health services. For its critics the World Bank and IMF have become the contributors to the persistence of world poverty rather than vanguard for preventing it and represent not the interests of the global society but rather the interests of Wall Street and the United States Treasury Department (Strange 1996, Cohen, 2009, Markwell, 2006) In contrast, the supporters of the World Bank insist that the Bank is an institution in which the rich developed countries can serve to improve the global economy and the ‘capacity of countries to trade by lending money to war-ravaged and impoverished countries for reconstruction and development projects ( Thus, in assessing the success of the Bretton Woods System and its subsequent trading organisations such as the IMF and the World Bank, one can see a very different analysis depending on your political affiliation. Rather than separate power politics from global trading, the System has become directly linked to the fortunes and hegemony of the US. Its record in helping a devastated globe recover from the affects of World War 11 is very good and the global economy has grown over each decade. However, its critics still see it as chiefly dominated by the US and its allies and whilst it continues to support the growth of trade its image as a vehicle mainly for the US retards how well its future role in the global economy will be judged by the growing economic powers of countries like China and India. Reference: Bloch, F.L. (1977) The Origins of International Economic Disorder, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press Bordo Michael (1991)The Bretton Woods International Monetary System: An Historical Overview, Chicago press, US Bretton Woods Project,( 2005) What are the Bretton Woods Institutions, Calleo, D.P. and Rowland, B.M. (1973) America and the World Political Economy, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press Cohen, Bernard (2009) Bretton Woods System, USA, Routledge Eichengreen, B. (1996) Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Gavin Francis (2002) ‘The Gold Battles Within the Cold War Diplomatic History, US. Hull, Cordell (1948). The Memoirs of Cordell Hull: vol. 1. New York: Macmillan. Keynes, John Maynard (2007) [1936]. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Markwell Donald, (2006) John Maynard Keynes and International Relations: Economic Paths to War and Peace, Oxford University Press, Mazzei, Umberto (2007) The Temple of Capital is Cracking, Ventana Global , Spain Stephey M J (2008) A Brief History of the Bretton Woods System, Time Magazine, USA Strange, S. (1976) International Economic Relations of the Western World 1959-1971, Vol. 2: International Monetary Relations, London and New York: Oxford University Press Strange Susan (1996) The retreat of the State†: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy UK, Cambridge Press Internet sources: M.J. Stephey, Bretton Woods System[ Brief paper],Time CNN, Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2008. Availbale from,8599,1852254,00.html#ixzz0gvqYryL2 [accessed 23 March 2010] The World Bank[Web Document] Available online from: [accessed 23 March 2010] What are the Bretton Woods Institutions? Published: Tuesday 23rd August 2005, last edited: Thursday 25th January 2007[online] available from: [accessed 23 March 2010]
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Costa Rica Essay -- essays research papers
Costa Rica, a country of Central America, covers an area of 19,730 square miles. The capital is San Josà ©. Extending from northwest to southeast, Costa Rica is bounded on the north by Nicaragua, along its 185-mile northeastern coastline by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and along its 630-mile southwestern coastline by the Pacific Ocean. Costa Rica has a narrow Pacific coastal region that rises abruptly into central highlands. The highlands, forming the rugged backbone of the country, descend much more gradually toward the generally wider Caribbean (Atlantic) Plain. The Pacific coast is generally lowland in character, and, like the Caribbean coast, it is lined with white sandy beaches. The country has made use of its beautiful beaches by making them a huge tourist attraction. People from all over the world visit Costa Rica for that reason. About one-fifth of the country lies less than 400 feet above sea level. There is a continuous volcanic mountain chain (called the Cordillera Volcà ¡nica) stretching from the Nicaraguan border in the northwest to form the Meseta Central heartland of the country. Costa Rica played a role in the federation of Central American states from 1823 to 1838 and is a member of the Organization of Central American States. Of the states that have been partners in these two enterprises, Costa Rica is the most Spanish in character and is generally regarded as having the most stable government and economy. In 1998, Costa Rica’s populatio...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Media, Appearance and Eating Disorders Essay -- Argumentative Persuasi
Media, Appearance and Eating Disorders  Many women are concerned with their appearance. Too many of them are caught up with the image of being skinny and pretty. By seeing all the beautiful, thin women in the media and in society, they may feel insecure about the way they look. Therefore, they try and do anything they can to acquire that appearance. Methods they use to try and achieve this are by self-starvation, known as Anorexia, or induced vomiting, known as Bulimia. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are only two of the eating disorders that often result from their incessant desire to be thin and "beautiful." Eating disorders, such as these, also occur amongst men. However, it is less common. "Standards for males simply are not as extreme or as inimical to normal body builds as are women's standards" (Fallon, Katzman, and Wooley 8). It is not just the biological aspect, though, that makes this occur more often in women. Fallon, Katzman, and Wooley claim On even a practical level, women's self-image, their social and economic success and even their survival can still be determined largely by their beauty and by the men it allows them to attract, while for men these are based largely on how they act and what they accomplish. Looks simply are of secondary importance for male success. (9) Beauty and fashion are also in part with their desire for social acceptance and success. Women try to meet an unreasonable weight standard because fashion requires them to. Men are encouraged to be strong and powerful. As they work to develop their power in the gym and at work, they associate "thin" with "skinny" and "weak." Even though female models often look frail, (which men hate in themselves), fema..., a majority of the guys would pine after the thin, pretty girls. The girls, "with meat on them," would often be jealous of, therefore, feeling they are not thin enough to be beautiful. Low self-esteem and eating disorders would then result from these feelings. I, personally, do not think that "thin is beautiful." Not only by your exterior, but what kind of a person you are and what you have inside, makes you beautiful.   Works Cited Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Inc. Updated September 2001. November 27, 2001. Fallon, Patricia, Melanie A. Katzman, and Susan C. Wooley, eds. Feminist Perspectives on Eating Disorders. New York: Guilford Press, 1994. Wolf, Naomi. "The Beauty Myth." Signs of Life. 3rd edition. Comp. and ed. Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. New York: St. Martin's Press. 2000. 481-89.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A belief is knowledge if it coheres with other accepted beliefs Essay
Explain and illustrate one criticism of the view that a belief is knowledge if it coheres with other accepted beliefs Coherentism is the Philosophical idea that truths should not be looked at individually. They should rather be looked at, as a whole. The coherence theory can be put into two parts. These are the coherent theory of truth and the coherent theory of justification. The coherent theory is that truth is different to justified belief. Truth is infallible. It is, what it is, that being correct. Whether it is contingent truth, which may, or may not, be true at a certain time; or a universal truth, which is taken to be always true, everywhere. In contrast the theory of justification, only involves beliefs; although these beliefs have to be coherent when looked at together as a whole. As an example of this, we can look at the example of my Aunt Dotty. An envelope comes to my House. However, there is no letter inside of it. I come to the conclusion that the only person absent-minded enough to forget to put the letter inside the envelope is my Aunt Dotty. However, she lives in Exeter; when looking at the postmark, I see it comes from Edinburgh; also the handwriting on the envelope is not that of my Aunt Dotty. My theory that the envelope came from my Aunt Dotty, who just forgot to put in the letter does not cohere. The separate beliefs do not seem to form together in a coherent way. However, I also remember that my brother was taking my Aunt Dotty to Edinburgh. Furthermore, the writing on the envelope seems to be that of my brother. From this I come to the conclusion that my Aunt Dotty forgot to put the letter in the envelope, and then asked my brother to write the address for her. I would be justified in my son you’re a whale belief of this, as all of my beliefs relating to it fit together in a coherent way. However, that is not to say that my coherent belief is the truth. It may not be the truth. It is just a justified belief. This theory of coherent beliefs perceived and regarded as a whole is called holism. Coherentism dictates that if we want the greatest understanding of what could be considered to be the real world possible, then our beliefs need to be as comprehensive as possible. Furthermore, for Coherentism to work successfully, our beliefs must be non-contradictory and consistent. In traditional Coherentism it is not the set that is justified, but rather the beliefs that make them up. It is from this that the most common flaw, with Coherentism is found. There may not be just one set of justifiable beliefs, relating to a certain number of beliefs. There can be multiple sets. Furthermore, internally all of these beliefs may be individually coherent. One example of this is the science fiction film. In such a film there can be many coherent worlds. However, these worlds are far from the reality of the perceived real world. The problem with the theory of coherence is that if we can only take one thing to be true – as if there were more than one they would undoubtedly we contradictory – it then follows that only one thing can be completely justified as being adequate to believe. In contrast in Coherentism, there can apparently be many sets of justified beliefs. In response, Coherentists argue that there can only be one coherent set. F.H. Bradley, the noted Coherentist, writes: ‘My object is to have a world as comprehensive and coherent as possible, and, in order to attain this object, I have not only to reflect but to perpetually have to recourse to the materials of sense. I must go to this source both to verify the matter which is old and also to increase it by what is new. And in this way I must depend upon the judgements of perception.’ This shows that it is Bradley’s aim to find the most coherent and therefore, hopefully, the only truly coherent set. Richard Wollheim late goes on to say that Bradley thought that Coherence should be a test of justification, rather that a test of any individual belief. Although, only ‘those that have some initial inclination or motive to believe in,’ so as a result of this coherence has the ‘function†¦ to discriminate within those judgements and to eliminate some in favour of others’. In line with Bradley’s defence of Coherentism is that of Jonathan Dancy. He says ‘in general, if we find ourselves scrutinising something we believe, we retain it unless we find something against it, just on the grounds that it is a belief already’. So, if we take Bradley’s response, together with that of Dancy, we are shown that Coherentists do not intend for there to be multiple sets of coherent beliefs, as a result of the coherent theory. Rather, Coherentism is intended as a means of testing existing beliefs, as well as those that can be later added. Donald Davidson, another noted Coherentist, also attempted to defend Coherentism. To do so, he gave as an example, the case of the Radical Interpreter. Imagine that there is a speaker of English, who comes across a group of people speaking a language that no one outside of that group understands. The language is called L. How can our speaker of English, the Radical Interpreter, be able to understand L. Davidson’s answer is that he will have to use what is called the Principle of Charity. The Principle of Charity dictates that the Radical Interpreter will have to assume that what the speakers of L say are true. That is to say, true by the standard of the Radical Interpreter. The speakers of L and the Radical Interpreter have to share the same standards of truth in order to have something in common. If this were not the case, it would be difficult for the Radical Interpreter and speakers of L to see where they disagree. Although, even if they do share the same standards of truth, they may, however both be wrong. The question then arises of what guarantee the Radical Interpreter has, that his and the speakers of L’s standards are not mistaken. Davidson gives the answer to imagine an interpreter to our Radical Interpreter. This interpreter is the Omniscient Interpreter. If the Omniscient Interpreter is to successfully interpret our Radical Interpreter, then he must use the same standards of truth used by our Radical Interpreter and the speakers of L. So the Omniscient Interpreter, like our Radical Interpreter, will have to assume that they use the same standards of truth. However, because the Omniscient Interpreter knows everything, it must follow that his standard of truth is true. Therefore, it follows that if the standards of truth used are roughly common to all parties, then neither the Radical Interpreter nor the speakers of L can be completely mistaken. As a result of this, our interpreter can assume that the majority of his basic beliefs are justified, as are those of the speakers of L. It then follows that there can be no place to believe that there can be more than one set of coherent Beliefs. From this, Davidson believes the Coherentist can dismiss the argument against him. It seems that in the previous defences of Coherentism, the Coherentists have adapted there argument, to suit the criticism of those attempting to undermine it. That is to say, that they are adapting the argument to suit the focus of the criticism. For example, when criticised that Coherentism allows for multiple sets of belief, Bradley, showed that the aim is to have only the most coherent belief. This may show the simple sophistication of the argument. It allows for only the most coherent argument and therefore the most likely to be the truth, to be accepted. Rather, the Coherentist would normally only accept the most coherent argument, rather than the least. To give an example of this; say I woke up one morning. My window was smashed and my television was gone. One set of coherent beliefs is that I have been burgled and my television stolen. My Dad has gone, so he may be contacting the Police. Another set of coherent beliefs, may be that my dad has lost his mind and jumped out of the window with the television. One of these beliefs is more coherent that the other. My father has not history of mental illness, so I can suppose that we have been burgled. Although, both sets are coherent, one is more coherent than the other, so I accept the most coherent as my Belief.
Monday, September 16, 2019
“Birthday Party†By Harold Pinter Essay
My group and I are working on a play called the â€Å"Birthday Party†By Harold Pinter. The work is set in 1960’s. The scene we doing is about a man, names Petey returning home from some sort of morning to job to a boarding house where his wife, who’s called Meg and is the owner, fusses around him. We start to see that this routine is very basic and a sense of this what they do every day. As the scene goes on Stanley comes in and plays quite a grumpy teenager. I play the part of Petey. At the time of this plays setting, men had more of a dominant role in society and the women didn’t work much and did more of the housework. This could mean that the male characters in plays around this time were more dominate and women did more housework and just like Meg, fussed around their husband as he was the only source of income, this could influence Meg as being fussy and concerning over Petey. The war would have been less than two decades ago so that may influence the characters in plays. Meg maybe fussing around he husband because he was a war-hero influencing her to very proud and caring of husband, or maybe Petey only has a morning job because he is slightly injured, this could influence his physical expression. This is different from the text that we have studied called Abigail’s Party because was set in the 1970’s where women had a more dominant role than in the 1950’s. The women were more out-spoken and more free to work have more social activities. In Abigail’s Party there was a lot more conflict and more fiery action between characters unlike in the Birthday Party it was Meg said a comment, which Petey may of thought was stupid, Petey just answered simply in a slow pace and showed no motivation to want to speak. In Abigail’s Party when a comment was made that one of the partners didn’t like to hear they either fought about it or gave a sarcastic comment to show their annoyance whereas in the Birthday Party I, Petey, just gave short simple unmotivated answers to a persistent and fussing Meg. The two plays showed different ways of coping with situations as throughout the scene we performed Petey showed boredom and Meg carried on being quirky, fussy and questionable, in comparison to that in Abigail’s Party they handled situations in a more sarcastic, and argumentative. The two plays are humorous on different levels. The Birthday Party is funny because of we can see Peteys clear boredom of having this conversation and routine, which we can tell is a daily thing he goes through. Megs stupid comments just to speak and engage with Petey and in cases, to know out side life, is funny to us because the questions are stupid like when he’s just got the corn flakes and she asks if they are nice and he hasn’t even tasted them. However, the two plays have similarities. Pinter and Leigh are both known for naturalism. The scene on Birthday Party I performed was very natural and realistic nothing out of the ordinary happened it was very simple and plain but it was easy to relate to which made it effective and the birthday party as too naturalistic and perhaps more modern and in the effect of couple arguing and women playing more dominate roles. However, the â€Å"Birthday Party†as it goes on turns out to be more absurd and super-natural. Both plays also have fussy and inquisitive women. Meg is very questionable to Petey and wanting to know things, Bev. Tries to keep the gathering she’s got alive and wanting people to pay attention to her likewise to Meg wanting Peteys attention. The historical and social setting is fairly similar as the man in Birthday Party does seem to have the dominant role as Meg does everything for him cooking, washing etc. Contrastingly to when Angie say’s something against Tony, like he is argumentative or won’t do something, he takes action by shouting or grabbing her hand. Angie stops and doesn’t protest showing men still had some dominant role in the 70’s. We are presenting our play as the audience in a semi-circle in one end of the studio and us performing in the other half of the circle. This allows the audience to be the third wall, which is very in the style of Pinter and Leigh. This can give the audience more of a role and part, its very soap like, which is naturalistic, just as the plays studied, are intended to be. We are using different techniques and styles of performing such as giving each character more or less just one characteristic and not changing the pace much. For example when I play Petey I kept the same tone and tired motivation to tell the audience that I’ve been doing this for a very long time. For Meg she kept her fussing and questionable ways and when Stanley comes down he was more mellow and got the attitude of I’ve got my wrapped round my little finger. We used symbolism in our play, for example my paper. When I played Petey, the paper was my only bit of something new for that day, everything else was the same predictable self but my paper, which I’m though out the scene reading or holding, gives me salivation from Meg and the predictable ways. We are keeping the style very naturalistic. This is different from the other play as the characters pace changed very much through the play. At one time they would be talking and the next minute there would be an argument to change the pace and the mood in which all the characters felt. You never felt the characters would stay for long at one place whereas Petey stayed in the chair all the time and kept his pace the same except it did change sometimes. The other text (Abigail’s party) influenced our performance by making Meg a little more dominate and persistent for Peteys attention.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
A View Inside The Westboro Baptist Church Essay
Unlike most modern religious groups, the Westboro Baptist Church is unique in the fact that the organization doesn’t meet in a modern church setting. Instead, the Westboro Baptist Church meets on Sundays to picket and protest the funerals of people whom they feel have created blasphemous acts against God. This recently included the funeral of Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs. In an October 7th cbsnews. com article journalist Edecio Martinez quoted Margie Phelps as posting on twitter, â€Å"He had huge platform†¦gave God no glory and taught sin. This in return yielded a great a greatly deal of responses by media, family, and some other government officials as well. This is the story behind the Westboro Baptist Church and its opposing counterparts. It is first important to understand the dynamics of the Westboro Baptist Church. Known for its fight against the alternative lifestyles of the homosexual community, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church have often times been referred to as the serial protesters and also have been characterized as a hate group. This church is an independent church founded by Fred Phelps in 1955. The group contains 71 members most of which are of Phelps family. Their congregations include picketing and the desecration of the American flag. Theologically speaking they refer to themselves as Calvinist. The church’s view is that most religious groups are Satan worshipers, frauds, and teach lies. They believe that â€Å"God Hates fags†and that it should be a crime. The two most notable groups that Westboro Baptist Church has chosen to picket are homosexuals and celebrities. This organization is without a question unique in its own rights. Since the Westboro Baptist Church popped up on the scene in Nov. 27, 1955, the public has had something to say about them. In efforts to expires the disapproval of the Westboro Baptist Church other groups have met in areas where the church was picketing and turned away from churches protesters. Perhaps one of the most famous counter protests happened after the September 11 attacks. One young man Jared Dailey , stood across from the group and held a sign that displayed, â€Å"NOT today Fred. †Two days later the number shifted from 1 to 86 people standing across from the group. In future protest against the group the slogan that began Dailey used has been popular in use. As a means to counter the Westboro Baptist church organizations such as, The Boston Center for the Arts and an ad-hoc group in Richmond countered the protest by doing pledges and then donating the money to LGBT (Lesbian, Bisexual, and Trans-gender) organizational projects. Others have arranged protest and hackers have been known to hack the Westboro batiste Church websites and disable them from the internet. There have been violent actions also against the group. There have been recorded incidents of angry mob attempting to attack the group, a fire near their meeting lace estimated at $10,000 in damage, and also Army Veteran Ryan Newell was arrested with ammo and an attempt on an attack of the group. For the most part the general public objects to the Westboro Baptist Church and their beliefs. Arguments on both sides of the debacle have both taking time out to use the First Amendment in their defense. The Westboro Baptist Church found themselves in hot water when the father of the Marine Lance Corporal Matthew A. Snyder sued them for defamation of character, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress on June 5,2006. Although the court threw out the defamation and privacy suits due to the First Amendment the trial still went on for other charges. The family argued that even though the first amendment gives an American citizen the right to free speech it still is limited. On the judges mark the first amendment was recited and let it be known that if vulgar, offensive, or shocking statements were made, then that would be grounds of a guilty plea. The Plea was guilty on behalf of Fred and the other members of the Phelps family. The Westboro Baptist Church also took action as well, on July 21,2006; the ACLU (The American Civil Liberties Union) of eastern Missouri filed a suit for Shirley L. Phelps-Roper. This suit stated that the Missouri law saying that no one was allowed to picket in front of a church or a funeral an hour before or an hour after was preventing her from utilizing her right to religious liberty and free speech. Although the argument was relevant the courts still shot down the suit stating that â€Å"in individual states and cities the law is interpreted as they see fit because the amendment is vague as to the terms and conditions. The Phelps family continued on still to federal court in hopes of a win. On both sides of the argument each have had valid point that the first amendment protects both sides. As the situation continued, it called for the Supreme Court to step in. The Supreme Court stated that even though they do not agree with the Westboro’s acts they still have to aside with them due to the First Amendment of freedom of speech. The Supreme Court quoted â€Å"that freedom of speech is so central to the nation that it protects cruel and unpopular protests – even, in this case, at the moment of a family’s most profound grief. The Westboro Baptist Church is an organization of people with their own beliefs and opinions. Their religion no matter how extreme it may be is still what they believe to be a religion. Time has shown the world many interpretations of God worshipers, and many interpretations of religion, and the Bible. This is not the first group to have these views and probably won’t be the last. The world is a big place with many different people and it is important to look past the ignorance and see the importance of accepting everyone for who they are like it or not.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
One of the major characteristics that Beowulf and Hamlet Essay
One of the major characteristics that Beowulf and Hamlet share is the fact that they both rid Denmark of a treacherous monster who poses a serious threat to the land. Beowulf uses his warrior-like skills to fight and conquer a physical monster who literally haunts the swamps outside the state and plagues it with murderous acts. Hamlet’s monster is also one who commits murderous acts, though this is in the form of his uncle Claudius who kills the King (Hamlet’s father) and usurps the Danish throne. The two men, Hamlet and Beowulf, are thrown into these battles as youth, and both take on the challenge willingly. In fact, Beowulf travels from Geatland specifically to meet the challenge of fighting Grendel. Hamlet too takes it upon himself to kill Claudius as soon as he finds out that this man has been the agent of his father’s death. Another characteristic that both Hamlet and Beowulf share is their death and the method in which this occurs. Both are defeated in their final efforts at ridding their homelands of the evil that had infiltrated. In fact, both die though their efforts are successful. Beowulf dies at the hand of the final monster (the dragon) whom he succeeds in slaying, but who also deals Beowulf a deathly blow that eventually kills him. Hamlet also has a similar experience in that, while he is able to slay Claudius by the end of the play, he is caught with a poisoned sword and eventually expires after all his enemies have died. The two characters die by peripheral (yet fatal) blows given them during the melee. Both show bravery by continuing to fight even while they are mortally wounded. Eventually, both succumb to the serious wounds they have acquired, yet they die in the victory of knowing they have defeated their enemies. Beowulf and Hamlet also differ in many ways, one of which is the character that they show throughout the play. While Beowulf displays a warrior-like character, Hamlet shows himself to be fearful and awkward in acting out the desires of his heart. Beowulf is eager to come to the aid of the King of Denmark, and he pauses only to partake of the feast given in his honor before he sets out to kill Grendel. When he encounters the monster, he loses no time in indecision but immediately performs the actions necessary to kill the beast. In fact, Beowulf fights three ferocious beasts throughout the story with the same vivacity and fierceness. Hamlet differs from Beowulf in his character, and he displays the tendency to employ a much more subdued and stealthy course of action. Though he too determines to defend the honor of Denmark’s (former) king by killing his murderer, he demonstrates a greater portion of dalliance and indecision than does Beowulf. When he gets his first chance to kill Claudius, his idle thoughts concerning the condition of Claudius’ heart (while praying) leads him to forfeit that chance and allow Claudius to live. He fails in his pursuits far more than Beowulf does too, because in his second attempt to kill Claudius, he ends up killing Polonius instead. In these ways, Hamlet shows himself to lack self confidence in a manner that is vastly different from Beowulf the ready warrior. Beowulf and Hamlet show differences in the tenure of their lives and the fulfilment of their royal destinies. Hamlet, unlike Beowulf, fails to ascend to the throne to which he is heir. He dies before the throne falls vacant and also fails to prove King Claudius a usurper in any effort to gain his rightful place on the throne. Beowulf, on the other hand, is able to spend fifty years as ruler of his Geat kingdom. In addition to this, Beowulf differs from Hamlet in his ability to live out his live and to attain old age. He is able to demonstrate his strength as a ruler for many years and to gain the respect of his subjects. Hamlet, who dies young, is unable to do any of this. He is never able to command the subjects over whom he was destined to rule precisely because of the fact that his life ends tragically in his youth. Therefore, while both men perform in the role of princes during their youth, Beowulf becomes promoted to the level of king while Hamlet dies with all his potential. Works Cited Beowulf. The Harvard Classics, Volume 49. Frances B. Grummere (Trans. ) 1910. P. F. Collier & Son, 1993. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. London: Penguin, 1994.
Advertisement Message Strategy in Developing Audience
Advertisement can be regarded as an audio as well as visual method of marketing communication that uses sponsored, professional messages for promoting or selling a particular products and services as well as ideas. Essentially, sponsors or else financiers of advertisements are businesses that intend to promote their own products or else services. Advertising is communicated through different mass media that includes both old and new media (Blackhurst et al. 2016). The old forms of mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor advertisement along with television (Huang and Sarigà ¶llà ¼ 2014). However, the advanced and new form of mass media include the direct mail, blogs, websites, text messages as well as search results among many others. Social media are also very important medium of reaching out tom customers these days. As per reports, Face book can be considered to be a very popular social media network where there are nearly 1100000000 unique visitors every month. This media is also ranked third and this followed by you tube, twitter and LinkedIn (Bauer and Lasinger 2014). Chernev (2014) refers to the fact that the primary aim and intention of advertisement is to get the particular word out that businesses have exciting offers. As rightly indicated by Hollensen (2015), advertisement can be about anything such as upcoming program of entertainment, new line of product that business will sell, expansion of existing line of products or else services and recognition of adherence to different directives of journalism that detects who, When, why, where and what. However, it is also important to select the most effective media for the advertisement depending upon the target audience of the firm. Homburg et al. (2013) rightly indicates the fact that there are different models of advertisement that explains the way advertisements work. Advertisement communication models needs to incorporate four different steps where each steps has different objectives and delivers policies as well as tactical illustrations regarding the way each step can lead to the subsequent step (Huang and Sarigà ¶llà ¼ 2014). However, from the perspective of planning process of a manager that is essentially top down, an advertisement communication comprises of decision making at four different levels such as Buyer, brand, advertisements, and media. At the stage of buyer, it is important to understand the action objectives of the target audience, communication objectives at the level of brand and processing objectives at the level of advertisements. Finally, the last stage involves exposure plans at the stage of media. As rightly indicated by Bakshi and Gupta (2013), the primary objective of studying consumer behaviour is to comprehend and assess the influence of previous experience on purchasing behaviour of different products. Consumer behaviour is essentially an important part of marketing that helps in learning the manner different individuals, groups or else corporations select, purchase use and way of disposing diverse goods. This study also includes learning factors that include prior experience, tastes as well as preferences, pricing in addition to branding based on which consumers base their decisions of purchasing. Baker and Saren (2016) correctly analyses the influence of process of packaging for decision making procedure of consumers having low income. Findings of the study suggest that consumers having low income have greater preference towards premium packaging as well as brand experience. Nevertheless, it can be observed that consumers belonging to the low income group have higher br and experience from purchases of diverse premium products at the time when it is compared to their purchasing cheap brand products. Ansari and Riasi (2016) indicates the fact that there are essentially five different steps involved in the process of consumer decision making. Evaluation of five phases of consumer decision making procedure of buying are essentially: recognition of problem, search of information, assessment of options, decisions of purchase and finally the post purchase assessment. Researchers are of the view that each phase of decision making process is somewhat different from one another but leads to a common opinion regarding what each phase involve. Aguirre et al.  (2015) states that recognition of need occurs owing to different factors as well as circumstances that includes professional, personal as well as lifestyle that in turn lead to development of idea of buying. Several prior researches conducted by academics as well as scholars on process of identificati on and analysis of diverse factors that affect purchasing behaviour of consumers. As rightly indicated by Adetunji et al.  (2014), there are different factors that affect behaviour of consumers that again can be broadly classified as situational, social, cultural as well as personal factors.  As rightly put forward by Adetunji et al.  (2014), advertisements exert immense impact on the purchasing behaviour of consumers and helps the businesses in promoting their products and services. As such, advertisements delivers a news function to different consumers. Particularly, viewers of advertisements can acquire information and learn about the different new products as well as services that can be availed by them similarly in the way they learn about different events from news. Therefore, it can be inferred that advertisements help in generation of awareness among the consumers regarding the products as well as services provided by businesses. However, information function plays a neutral role and it delivers facts without taking into account approval or else disapproval from target customers. Particularly, in this phase, consumer behaviour orients around expressions of inquisitiveness. Aguirre et al.  (2015)  cultivated that there are different tactics of advertis ements that generates psychological effects. This orients arrangement of images, words, brand or else logo that refers to ad visual. Again, it is also important to arrange the ad visual that indicates towards arrangement of fonts and colours. In addition to this, this process also includes use of particular methods of arranging ad context that includes framing, variations and medium. As correctly indicated by Bakshi and Gupta (2013), advertisements also help in the process of assessment of different features of products as well as services. It can be noted that consumers generally have a sensible response to various advertisement at the time consumers look at different facets of products or else services. However, this response concentrated on proper sequential listing of different operational aspects of different offerings. However, this can be considered as an intellectual reaction instead of emotional responses. Furthermore, advertisements also aids the process of analysis of advantages by the consumers at the time consumers become emotionally involved with advertisements as well as promotional activities of companies. In itself, it can be said in this context that repeated advertisements can affect behaviour of consumers and this repletion can serve as a reminder to different consumes (Ansari and Riasi 2016). Particularly, consumer behaviour crops from remind ers that includes sudden thoughts about the products at the time of shopping or else while arriving at decisions to purchase the good. As correctly indicated by Bakshi and Gupta (2013), advertisements also help in promotion of both loyalty or else alienation based on performance of the products compared to different advertised advantages. Bakshi and Gupta (2013) indicates the fact that it is important to understand the length of time for which the advertisement leaves an impact on consumers. In addition to this, it is also significant to understand the length of a broadcast, impression of print and online advertisements that can exert influence on customers in a bid to determine effectual reach as well as frequency. The media plan of a business needs to analyse how much is more than enough to reach to target audience and measure the exact point that represents the diminishing returns (Hollensen 2015). Again, the length for which advertisements leave an impact includes examination of lagged impact, resolving non-immediate impact of different media by means of decaying media. Aguirre et al.  (2015) opines that the advertisement efficiency can be denoted as the magnitude and scale of a particular advertisement that produces a particular influence. Enumerating the influences and impact of advertisements is vital, given the specific amount allotted for investments for the purpose of advertisement. Baker and Saren (2016) opines that it is not feasible to acquire a worldwide measure of the advertisement efficiency, it is important to develop and implement mechanisms as well as measures for a partial substantiation of outcomes. Taking into account the level of difficulty of enumerating the overall efficiency, it is important to take into consideration the advertisement interacts with diverse other business variables as well as varied effects of advertisements. The efficacy of advertisements include advertisements interacts with other business variables such as behaviour, policies of marketing as well as financial decisions and many others and other environme ntal variables namely, competition and economic conjuncture among many others. The effectiveness of advertisements needs to take into consideration different effects of advertisements that are essentially varied and are not translatable into quantitative terms. The advertisements also need to create long term effects, not always (Huang and Sarigà ¶llà ¼ 2014). As rightly mentioned by Bauer and Lasinger (2014), in academic literature as well as actual practice, analysis of efficacies of advertisements essentially has two basic models, namely, the dichotomous model and the three dimensional model. Ansari and Riasi (2016) opines that the dichotomous model is implemented particularly in product as well as brand advertisements, inclined towards isolating and evaluating separately the effect of sales as well as effect of communication. Raichelgauz et al.  (2015) opines that the effect of sales points out towards the assessment of potential advertising to affect the overall volume of sales as well as the share of the market of the firm irrespective of the probable influence of different variables. In addition to this, the effectiveness of advertisement needs to be taken into consideration for the effects on sales during the short term period. However, the process of measurement of the performance of advertisement is founded on the marginal the ory. Blackhurst et al.  (2016) suggests that the advertisements is thus regarded as the â€Å"independent variable†for the study that again can be joined with further variables of marketing to have a particular result on the specific dependent variable that is essentially trades of the firm. However, the primary intention of the advertisement is to pursue the finest blend of the determining factor behind upsurge in sales. The consequence of the communication indicates towards the capability to transmit suitable messages to a sizeable share of targeted audience (Blackhurst et al.  2016). This effect can be assessed in literature with diverse approaches such as the following: Adetunji et al. (2014) opines that the sociological assessment concentrates on different communities, regarded as a procedure regulated by different directives as well as social norms particularly on the social behaviour. As such, the role of advertisement strategies as well as consumption in the community change can be considered to be a very interesting topic. Again, the sociological aspects refers to examination of different advertisement influences viewpoints, attitudes as well as behaviours of different individuals and social segments. However, there are two different approaches of the sociological perspectives that present contradicting facets regarding the functions of advertisements in contemporary society (Chernev 2014). The sociological perspectives maintain a positive approach to advertisements. As such, it is considered that the role of advertising is to organize different economic as well as social associations, to harmonize diverse social behaviours and to make individu als stick to different common values (Bakshi and Gupta 2013). This too helps in the process of enhancement of art of living together by resolving different problems. However, the second approach is in comparison a critic as advertisement leads to generation of mass consumption. However, in a bid to present appropriate messages, the management of firms introduces innovative, poorly differentiated as well as emblematic values. As correctly indicated by Park et al.  (2013), the semiotic analysis stresses on the use of symbols and this particular approach is useful expressly in the context of creation of suitable advertisements for a business concern. These are essentially recognized as things that conveys specific meanings, for example, certain words, gestures, forms of dance as well as specific images. Madni et al. (2016) correctly mentions that the semiotic studies in detail different features of encoding and more particularly the usage of the codes. However, the primary aim and intention of the investigation is itself the message that contains diverse symbols as well as signs that can be construed as per predetermined intention, without reference to particular consumer as well as the influence of the behaviour of the consumer. As suggested by Kotler et al. (2015), process of communication in general as well as the advertisements in particular are essentially treated by different psychologists. Sheth and Sisodia (2015) mentions that the psychologists examine the motivation of different recipients of the messages of the advertisements that occupy a crucial position in the entire process of analysis. Therefore, the purpose of advertisement creator is to recognize the reasons of consumer behaviour in a bid to detect effective messages of advertisement or to remove the barriers of communication. Hollensen (2015) suggests that the psychological approach along with other types of research as well as investigation have surfaced that leads to contribution to neuroscience. Different evidence acquired by means of scientific experimentation become an essential support for substantiation of diverse assumptions. Homburg et al. (2013) refers to the fact that the psychological approach has the advantage to enumerate the e fficiency of advertisement with reference to recipient of particular message, especially to the characteristics of the consumers.  Conversely, this particular approach does not offer exhaustive replies, and does not research the accurate causes. This again provides the particular messages of advertisements to gain publicity. The messages are decoded, stored and in due course leads to purchases. Thus, it is important to taken into consideration the entire process of communication along with different external factors, particularly, the factors associated to the environment that might play a vital role in determination of the behaviour of the receiver. This process of assessment of the messages can be considered to be vital due to the influence of specific messages on the perceptions of receivers. Madni et al. (2016) opines that the motivations of customers essentially drive the behaviours of consumers, in a bid to recognize with effective advertisement. Park et al. (2013) cultivates the fact that the socio-psychological method essentially takes into consideration the message as well as recipients of the communication. However, this tactic intends to examine the efficiencies of advertisement strategies from the perspective of persuasiveness, noting influence on overall course of generation of responsiveness, memory, outlook as well as behaviour. The research methodology takes into attention the entire environment of the process of communication and the real interactions. Bakshi and Gupta (2013) suggests that the process of experimentation can be widely utilized that can help in testing of formed hypothesis and establishing the links between diverse variables by means of pre-test. This in turn also helps in gaining an advantage in terms of legitimacy of the entire process of research. The procedure also concentrates solely as well as exhaustively on direct influence of diverse variables when considered discretely is hard to tackle in actuality. Nevertheless, this method assesses definite involvement of different variables in the process of elucidating the progression of different variables that are dependent (Adetunji et al. 2014). The major limitations to the dichotomous model can be related to the partial appraisal and inability to deliver consistent breakdowns of the effects attained by advertising as well as other policies of the corporation. Again, the three-dimensional models such as AIDA model as well as model Dagmar are preferred (Blackhurst et al. 2016). Raichelgauz et al. (2015) suggests that the three-dimensional models are utilized both in planning advertising campaigns as well as evaluating the effectiveness. The models also recommend a hierarchy of effects of communication, cognitive as well as behavioural effects. Ansari and Riasi (2016) opines that evaluation of different cognitive dimensions can be related to the understanding of messages and storing of the particular messages in the memory. This memory storage includes spontaneous recall, stimulated recall, facilitated by presentation of particular substantiation, associated memory (Aguirre et al. 2015). The respondents also need to illustrate one particular elements of the process of communication, recognition of the advertising, allocation of brand and the memory of not any specific advertisement but also the brand that is advertised. As rightly put forward by Bauer and Lasinger (2014), Vodafone can be regarded as one of the foremost transnational brands and this corporation also hold the position of 11 th largest telecommunication corporation in the entire globe. In addition to this, the corporation also stands in the second position in particularly Europe. Similarly, Vodafone named as Vodafone Essar in India is also considered as one of the principal service providers of telecommunication in India. Other mobile phone providers in Australia include Optus, Telstra, Virgin Mobile and many others. Optus essentially focuses in a wide range of services related to communications counting mobile, regional, national as well as long distant telephony, network services, internet in addition to different satellite services along with television for subscription. Virgin Mobile Australia is necessarily a telecommunication corporation founded in Sydney.  This mobile phone provider also uses the Optus Network in a bid to re ach approximately 98.5% people in Oz (Ansari and Riasi 2016). As rightly put forward by Ansari and Riasi (2016), Vodafone is widely known for the exclusive advertisement campaign designed by the corporation, namely, â€Å"pug†, campaign of â€Å"happy to help†and advertisement campaign of â€Å"Zoozoo†. The management of Vodafone takes up a very challenging task of constant development of the image of the business entities. The management of Vodafone presented brilliant persona for the company that was very much appropriate for its Zoozoo advertisement campaign. As such, Zoozoos are particularly denoted as the white creatures that possesses ballooned forms along with features of egg heads. This are essentially used to endorse diverse value added services (VAS) of the corporation. Bakshi and Gupta (2013) mentions that each and every advertisement presented by the corporation has a story that are particularly enacted by the zoozoo characters. The new ad featuring the Zoozoo although look like the animated pones are actua l human beings performing in zoozoo costumes. The advertisement campaigns generally have different implications from the economic standpoints. Madni et al. (2016) suggested that the company Vodafone functions fundamentally in an oligopoly arcade that is categorised by presence of few sellers as well as mutual interdependence. This is essentially a market where all the sellers intends outdo the other players in the market by means of price war that refers to the curtailing of prices as well as â€Å"non-price wars†(Hollensen 2015). The advertisement strategies of a corporation can be considered to be a â€Å"non-price war†where all the players operating in a particular market intends to gain competitive advantage through implementation of innovative as well as exclusive advertisement strategies for generating greater mass appeal. The advertisement campaigns of the company Vodafone are also directed towards outdoing the strategies of the rival players in the market. The management of Vodafone has too attempted to symbolise an appearance of common people belonging to urban areas who can be regarded as the main driving potency behind the augmented use of service of telecom as well as services of VAS offered particularly in the telecommunication business (Baker and Saren 2016). In addition to this, the management of the company Vodafone have tried to present as well as showcase the ways the offers of the company Vodafone can prove to be useful for the urban common people through the Zoozoo characters of the advertisement of the firm. Chernev (2014) suggested that the management of the company Vodafone intended to attract and draw the attention of the target customers of the company not by normal advertisements but by means of catchy as well as funny advertisements. The advertisements of the company also tries to promote different Value added Services offered by the corporation. Therefore, the advertisements of Vodafone also tries to create awareness, growth in sales, and segmentation of market and identification of brand. Adetunji, R.R., Nordin, S.M. and Noor, S.M., 2014. The Effectiveness of Integrated Advertisement Message Strategy in Developing Audience-Based Brand Equity. Global Business and Management Research, 6(4), p.308. 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U.S. Patent 20,160,042,387. Chernev, A., 2014. Strategic marketing management. Cerebellum Press. Hollensen, S., 2015. Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Homburg, C., Kuester, S. and Krohmer, H., 2013. Marketing management (Vol. 2). Wiesbaden: Gabler. Huang, R. and Sarigà ¶llà ¼, E., 2014. How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. In Fashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors (pp. 113-132). Springer New York Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Manceau, D. and Hà ©monnet-Goujot, A., 2015. Marketing management (Vol. 14). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Madni, A.R., Hamid, N.A. and Mohd, S., 2016. Influence of Controversial Advertisement on Consumer Behavior. Journal of Commerce (22206043), 8. Park, J., Kang, D., Kang, H., Kwon, H., Kim, J., Park, B. and Jo, H., 2013. Effectiveness on Public Advertisement Interaction of Advertiser Awareness, Advertisement Appeal and Customer Involvement and Need for Cognition. Journal of the Korea society of IT services, 12(4), pp.235-253. Raichelgauz, I., Odinaev, K. and Zeevi, Y.Y., Cortica, Ltd., 2015. System and method for generating an advertisement effectiveness performance score. U.S. Patent Application 14/621,661. Sheth, J.N. and Sisodia, R.S., 2015. Does marketing need reform?: Fresh perspectives on the future. Routledge. Getting academic assistance from
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