Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Edgar Allan Poe :: English Literature Essays
Edgar Allan Poe When picking a subject for my exploration paper. I thought of a wide range of thoughts. I began to consider my inclinations is understanding writing, and I chose to expound on my preferred writer Edgar Allan Poe. This paper is going to take a gander at Poe from a mental point of view. There is by all accounts not many endeavors to take a gander at the mental reasons for humor in Poe’s work, and how his own life may have affected his compositions. A large number of Poe’s stories are recognized by the author’s novel abnormal thoughts notwithstanding his sublime plots. In an article named â€Å"Poe’s humor: A Psychological Analysis,†by Paul Lewis, he states: â€Å"Appropriately I can't help thinking, that to see Poe just as an elitist whose jokes couldn't be gotten a handle on by a general crowd is to undercut him. He doesn't prevent this elitist side from claiming Poe; however he holds for a more extensive, increasingly all inclusive less learned si lliness that shouts out from the focal point of Poe’s work. (532) This article gives significant knowledge to understanding the idea of the amusingness and its relationship to the mind-boggling frightfulness in some of Poe’s work. Lewis’ accepts that silliness and dread have a unique relationship in Poe’s stories. Cleverness, taken as far as possible, drives the peruser to fear. He says, â€Å"Over and over, when funniness comes up short, we are left with pictures of dread: the raven’s shadow, the yelling feline, the putrescence body, or the fallen house. (535) As per Lewis, operating at a profit Cat and Ligeia, he contends that are early introductions of the storytellers are half comic. â€Å"We are driven step by step away from this silliness into a growing frightfulness of men headed to demonstrations of foul brutality. The blend with amusingness and awfulness happens diversely in Hop Frog where remorselessness and kidding intermix. (537) To concur with Lewis, I feel what occurs in this story isn't only that coldblooded jokers are crushed by a savage joke however that kidding itself gives great approach to ghastliness, as the pitilessness of joke demolishes its capacity to work as a joke. The intrigue of Lewis’ article about mental understanding of Poe sounds valid. I concur that dread and diversion are connected together in Poe’s stories. I have seen it in emergency clinics, and at memorial services, or in any event, when amusingness helps sit back during a danger of a ruinous tempest or when a flood compromises us.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Airline Customer Service Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Carrier Customer Service - Research Paper Example With the numerous choices that are in the movement showcase today, carrier client support must be choice so as to pick up rehash clients. Requirements and desires for the clients Airline client administrations have disintegrated in the ongoing years because of development of the movement business. There has been absence of enhancements. The aircrafts utilize the 9/11 occasions as purpose behind their activities by legitimizing it as affordable need. Further execution of more up to date innovation for security screening has added to the dissatisfaction of the clients. There is likewise the matter of the worker and client connection. This is generally transmitted from the administration level. The manner in which they are treated by the administration, which thusly is reflected in the employees’ conduct towards the clients, influences the employees’ spirit. Aircraft organizations are continually in rivalry with one another for each client, however that being said they are not making the essential interest in the client care division. It isn't sensible for the movement business experts to accept that the clients expect 100% effectiveness in the air terminal administrations. For the most part clients expect some disappointment in administration and yet they expect each exertion from the Airline Companies to amplify administration effectiveness. Administration disappointment can happen when the customer’s assumption about the degree of administration isn't met. Customers’ desires also fluctuate. ... The thought was that in the event that the Passenger Bill of Rights was gone through the Congress, at that point there could be a lot of rules to perform administration to the clients and there could be punishment where there will be rebelliousness. Throughout the years, customers’ resilience level on awful assistance has declined. In view of this the air terminal organizations feel there is expanded chance of disruptive behavior while in flight among clients. An investigation has been made on customer’s discernment towards disruptive behavior while on an airplane. There are sure physiological and physical factors over which the carriers have no control like flight postpone inferable from poor climate. In such case despite the fact that the clients see this as terrible assistance they despite everything don't have the inclination to disruptive behavior while in flight. The investigation has additionally indicated that there is a decrease in the customers’ desires for elevated level of air terminal help. Numerous individuals feel that flight delays, overbooking and instances of lost stuff are normal events nowadays. On the off chance that this is valid, at that point the clients hold these desires while voyaging significant distance in flights. In such cases disruptive behavior while in flight events get stifled. Aircraft clients feel that they are qualified for specific benefits and in the event that they are not without a doubt, the clients are slanted towards increasingly forceful conduct. Disappointment can emerge in clients when there is terrible help after great assistance. One method of directing customers’ view of awful assistance is to give positive act after a poor help. On the off chance that aircraft administrations can compensate for any poor assistance, at that point the clients may not endorse of disruptive behavior while on an airplane. Decreasing the customers’ negative perspectives towards aircrafts can make c onsumer loyalty. Subsequently the aircraft organization should take each
JPMorgan Chase Essay
JPMorgan Chase is one of the most established and most regarded banks in the United States. In any case, throughout the mid year of 2012 Chase declared exchanging misfortunes and awful speculation choices that brought about lost roughly $5.8 billion. In addition to the fact that they reported this considerable misfortune they confessed to misrepresenting their first quarter reports, were they where endeavoring to hide the gigantic misfortune. A quarter of a year preceding this occasion JPMorgan Chase was seen as the top American bank. The primary inquiry to be examined in this paper will be what activities can Administrative Agencies such the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and additionally the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) take to forestall high hazard bets in protections/banking which are one of the fundamental foundations of this country’s economy. As indicated by the SEC, their â€Å"main mission is to ensure speculators, to look after reasonable, deliberate, effective markets and encourage capital formation†(www.sec.gov) One of the manners in which that SEC does this is by requiring open organizations to uncover important budgetary data to people in general to enable the general population to choose which organizations will be the best to put resources into. In light of the JPMorgan Chase disclosure SEC Chairperson Mary Shapiro told the Senate Banking Committee that â€Å"her agency’s examination is constrained, in light of the fact that the exchanges occurred in divisions of the financial monster that are not dependent upon SEC regulation†. She likewise expressed that â€Å"we (the SEC) didn't have any immediate oversight or information on the transactions†. Notwithstanding the above explanations Ms. Shapiro expressed that â€Å"the SEC’s examination would focus on the suitability and ful fillment of the entity’s (JPMorgan Chase) money related announcing and other open disclosures†(Liberto, 2012). Next I will talk about the Commodity and Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) principle reason just as a portion of its different obligations. The Commodity and Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) main object is to manage item prospects and choices markets. Its objectives incorporate the advancement of serious and productive fates markets and the assurance of speculators against control, injurious exchange practices and misrepresentation (www.sec.gov). Gary Gensler, administrator of the CFTC told the Senate Banking Committee that â€Å"he couldn’t give explicit data about the examination, yet he said that he originally found out about the flawed exchanges from press reports. He likewise expressed that the CFTC doesn't have controllers on the ground to see bank exchanges yet. Administrator Gensler additionally told the Banking Committee that as of now, the American open isn't ensured in that way (for example having controllers taking a gander at the exchanges as they occur) (Liberto, 2012). Controllers have been battling for a considerable length of time attempting to make sense of who ought to be remembered for another crackdown on trades and subsidiaries. Trades and subsidiaries are intricate money related wagers got from other budgetary items. Gensler clarified that once the Dodd-Frank Wall Street changes are completely actualized it will be illicit for JPMorgan Chase to make the sorts of exchanges that came about in the $5.8 billion misfortune. He likewise explained that Dodd-Frank takes into consideration exchanges made to support against â€Å"individual and total positions††not to make preparations for future monetary misfortunes, as the JPMorgan exchanges have been depicted (Liberto, 2012). Next I will cover the components of a legitimate agreement, just as talk about how customers and banks each have an obligation of god confidence and reasonable managing in the financial relationship â€Å"A contract is a lawfully enforceable guarantee or set of guarantees. In the event that the guarantee is broken, the individual to whom the guarantee was frantic †the guarantee †has certain legitimate rights against th e individual who made the guarantee †the promisor†(Bagley, 2012). There are 4 essential components to an agreement and they are: 1) offer and acknowledgment, 2) thought, 3) the two gatherings must have the ability to go into an agreement, 4) the agreement must have a lawful reason. â€Å"The offer is a sign of eagerness to go into a deal that legitimizes someone else in understanding that their consent will close the bargain†(Bagley, 2012). Acknowledgment shows the accepting person’s eagerness to go into the understanding proposed in the offer (Bagley, 2012). Thought is something of significant worth that is given by the two gatherings (Bagley, 2012). In conclusion, a substantial agreement necessitates that the two gatherings have the ability to go into the understanding (Bagley, 2012. Next I will examine the obligation of god confidence and reasonable dealingâ in the purchaser/banking relationship. Preceding 1929, Massachusetts explicitly gave that great confidence was appropriate to all agreements. In 1929, the Supreme Judicial Court, in tending to a break of agreement guarantee under an alternative understanding for the acquisition of stock in an oil-creating leasehold, explicitly expressed, just because, that there was a commitment of sincer e trust and reasonable managing in all agreements. The court stressed that a business contract â€Å"is to be deciphered as a business exchange went into by viable men to achieve a legit and direct end†. Starting in 1936, the obligation of sincere trust was characterized as an agreement â€Å"that neither one of the parties will do anything which will have the impact of annihilating or harming the privilege of the other party to get the products of the contract†. This â€Å"fruits†enunciation of the obligation of sincere trust stays flawless today and is consistently cited as the usable norm (Weigand, 2013). The following point is to look into the contrasts among deliberate and careless tort activities. There are a few sorts of deliberate torts and they are: torts against people, purposeful torts that include individual property, and deliberate torts concerning financial intrigue and business connections. There are additionally a few kinds of careless torts. Two of which are: obligation to protect and obligation to invitees. Deliberate torts against comprise of battery, ambush, bogus detainment, purposeful curse of enthusiastic misery, maligning, and intrusion of protection. The catchphrase in these deliberate torts is aim or reason to make hurt another. Purposeful torts against property incorporate trespass of land, aggravation, transformation, and trespass to individual property. Goal and reason for existing are likewise why these are viewed as deliberate. The key distinction between these two torts is that one is against individuals and the other is an abuse of another’s property. An individual needs to reason submit these demonstrations. Careless torts comprise of various kinds of obligations. Obligation is the point at which an individual with a lawful obligation to another is required to act, sensibly, considering the present situation to abstain from hurting the other in dividual. A few instances of this are obligation to protect and obligation to invitees. Obligations are fundamentally a commitment that one individual is will undoubtedly perform for another. In contrasting the two kinds of torts we locate that purposeful torts will be torts that individuals submit against others. Carelessness additionally others yet it is an inability to play out that causes the injury or treacherous activity. Anâ example of this examination is the deliberate tort of battery and inability to play out the obligation to save. At the point when I submit battery I cause damage to another, when I neglect to play out the obligation to save the other individual likewise endures hurt however it is on the grounds that I neglected to act. Interestingly purposeful torts are activities dedicated against another and carelessness is the point at which I neglect to make a move on another. Next I will examine the tort activity of â€Å"interference with authoritative relations and taking a n interest in a break of guardian duty†. Obstruction with authoritative relations secures the option to appreciate the advantages of lawfully official understandings. It gives a cure when the respondent deliberately prompts someone else to penetrate an agreement with an offended party. Impedance with legally binding relations expects goal to meddle. The presence of an agreement is the contrast between convoluted obstruction and the more hard to demonstrate convoluted impedance with forthcoming authoritative relations. The most well known instance of convoluted impedance was Pennzoil v Texaco which happened in 1983 (Bagley, 2013). Also a respondent who intentionally takes an interest in, or actuates a penetrate of guardian obligation by another submits the tort of investment in a break of trustee obligation. Finally, I accept that if god grounds exist for the impedance, for example, exists in the JPMorgan Chase case then I ought to have the option to win in the tort activity. In conclusion, I will cover how banks ensure the product that takes into consideration online exchanges. Most banks secure the clients who take an interest in online exchanges through what is known as the Online Banking Guarantee. This security covers your banking and individual data. It is the banks obligation to guarantee the clients insurance while the cl ient participates in online exchanges. In most if not all case the client is 100% shrouded on account of burglary of assets. One of primary safeguards for programming insurance is through complex encryption frameworks. Another obstacle is basically the huge measure of programming that is accessible for internet banking. So between the wide exhibit of programming and encryption frameworks web based financial exchange are generally protected. In this paper I have secured a few themes and they are as per the following: What moves Administrative Agency’s make to be viable in forestalling high-hazard bets in protections and banking, the components of a substantial agreement and the obligation of sincere trust and reasonable managing among banks and shoppers, looking into deliberate and careless torts, the tort activity of â€Å"Interference with legally binding relations and partaking in a break of trustee obligation, and lastl
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 37
Exposition Example These articles incorporate Donald Antrims He Knew, Ruth Prawer Jhabvalas Spanish fly, and Nalini Joness Tiger. In these articles, the setting has focused on a modernized existence where even the guardians are permitting their kids to settle on choices of their own without obstruction of correspondence, similar to the case before. What's more, the setting has been moved in nations in the created world. The issues that the people experience are additionally explicit to school age people. Accordingly, the setting is a basic component in these story works since it is answerable for the foundation of a psychological picture, which is fundamental to understanding the message being passed by the creator. Taking Ruth Prawer Jhabvalas â€Å"Aphrodisiac†into thought, unmistakably the characters that the creator has picked are understudies. This can be seen from the absolute first passage where the creator uncovers that college companions were talking about the novel that that would best fit the Indian setting of way of life. Here, Kishen, the fundamental character, recommends that the best novel that should fit the Indian setting would fuse the urban ghetto occupants, revoltingly rich trade and landless workers. The creator additionally shows that conventions are imperative to most social orders and are constantly displayed and seen when certain exercises are done from the customary point of view. For example, in Aphrodisiac, the creator clarifies that the Indian culture watches its conventions by keeping up that while Kishen was away learning at Cambridge, his senior sibling Shiv had got hitched in a customary wedding. This makes a picture in the audience’s brains of how the area of the marriage was and how the practices were performed. To show that this setting was set in the advanced world, Kishen went to the U.S to concentrate there, which is what is as of now occurring as most
Friday, July 31, 2020
IAP Its Amazing Pterodactyl
IAP It’s Amazing Pterodactyl Oh hi there. Im back on campus now for IAP (Independent Activities Period, but I think Its Awesome Pterodactyl is much more descriptive), which traditionally is when all the students return to see all their beloved green covered in snow, and those from equatorial climates suffer at the horrifying discovery of what windchill is. This year however, is a bit different. Theres no snow to be seen, and temps are relatively warmer than usual. Not bad for campus, but unfortunate for those of us hoping to skitheres not really snow anywhere in North America. But some fluke warm winter weather wont prevent the Outdoors Club (MITOC) from having its annual Winter School. Winter School is a series of lectures and trips designed to help introduce people to the fun they can have in the snow. They go through everything you need to know if you havent been out in the snow before, including layering, eating, drinking, and the technical aspects of many different wintersports, such as: Hiking, Ice Climbing (yay!), Backcountry Skiing (yay!), Snowshoeing, Camping, and Mountaineering (yay!). Lectures are during the week and trips are over the weekend, where you can visit one of MITOCs two New Hampshire cabins. Given that 90% of the gifts I received for Christmas was outdoor gear, it should be no surprise that Im thrilled to be back just in time to get my feet wet (erronly metaphorically) with Winter School. Its always fun to meet other people as excited to intentionally put themselves in situations that are other peoples nightmares. Im particularly exc ited about the Ice Climbing trip, because Ice Climbing is ridiculous. Not all of IAP has to be crampons and ice axes though, theres still ample down time for doing things with your friends. Ive been working with some friends on our startup project (another blog entry, but theres some stuff were not done with that I really want to add), and building this monster of a machine: This is my workstation PC I built over Black Friday (crazy deals). I know some of you are spec groomers, so here we go: CPU: intel i5 2500K (OCd to 3.8Ghz) CPU COOLER: Hyper212+ MOBO: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 RAM: 16Gb PSU: Corsair TX650W GPU: Gigabyte HD 6950 (reflashed to 6970, and OCd to 900Mhz) HD: Seagate 3Tb 7200rpm Barracuda CASE: CoolerMaster HAF 932 Advanced (its worth noting that there are now 10 fans in this machine trying to keep it cool.) Ive named this computer Galactica because when I first started it, it had no network capabilities (Windows didnt like the drivers). That and because its frackin huge and I love me some BSG. My favorite part of building commputers though, is the wiring: Its not my finest work, and Im sure Ill redo it again in the future, but it works for now. You might think Im crazy for liking cable management so much, but there are dozens of us. So what do I do with such a behemoth of a machine? Well, this is my workstation computer, so I normally crank through SolidWorks stuff, MATLAB, programmingthat sort of thing. But here lately, Ive been using it to.well. If you dont know what this is from, then I envy the amount of time you havent sunk into it. This is Skyrim. The most life-consuming of games. And its very pretty. One more: (as an aside, I really like the dwarves, because I think of them as ancient engineers. Building robots and mechanical things, living underground away from the light. The similarities are uncanny.) Yes, Im using my powerful work computer to play games. Thats what IAP is for.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Society and Its Status Quo - Literature Essay Samples
Society serves as a window into the beliefs and attitudes of American life, revealing the true values of particular communities and humanity at large. At the high school level, sports can be used as a vehicle to teach children the value of hard work, dedication, discipline, and the role teamwork can play in attaining important goals. However, as revealed in H. G Bissinger’s novel, Friday Night Lights, the desire to win can obscure the importance of instilling other important values. â€Å"There seemed to be an opportunity in Odessa to observe not simply the enormous effect of sports on American life, but other notions, for the values of Odessa were ones that firmly belonged to a certain kind of America, an America that existed beyond the borders of the Steinberg cartoon, an America of factory towns and farm towns and steel towns and single-economy towns all trying to survive†(xii-xiii). Sports are one aspect of society that has the ability to bring people together whil e simultaneously revealing the distinct separations among class and race. In most American towns is is common for residents to gather at a field or stadium to watch their hometown team compete against rival teams in the quest to claim the title of Champion. Fans put aside small differences to join together to root on their high school athletes, but once the game is over, life returns to normal. However, these fundamental differences may be more apparent than realized if the sports program is closely examined. What a town may claim to support or believe is often revealed as janus-faced hypocrisy. Sports play an important role in American life, and while it should be used as means of improving society instead, it more often not preserves the status quo. The town of Odessa is extremely racist with the small percentage of African Americans living there were kept separate from the white residents by the symbolic railroad tracks. The Permian football roster gives the illusion of racial integration, but with a close examination of the role team members play and the treatment of black players and coaches, distinctly portrays the team’s inability to escape the permeating racism in Odessa. The town fought segregation within the school system and manages to avoid enacting integration until the 80’s when the U.S court ruled against them. The town’s solution is symbolic of the racist attitudes. Instead of forced busing and any disruption to the lives of white students, the town closed the high school that was in the black neighborhood. The majority of residents in Odessa had never even seen the school, but became interested when they realized they could benefit from the integration, â€Å"But with Ector’s closing, members of the white community suddenly began to see enormous value in some of its black students. It had nothing to do with academic potential. It had everything to do with athletic potential†(Bissinger, 105). The student athletes are seen a commodity, a chance to strengthen and increase the odds of winning games. The black student athletes were not welcomed into the community, any level of acceptance at Permian was strictly confined to the football field and their purpose was to bring enjoyment to the white fans. â€Å" We know that we’re separate, until we get on the field. We know that we’re equal as athletes. But once we get off the field were not equal. When it comes time to play the game, we are a part of it. But after the game, we are not part of it†(Bissinger, 107). The blacks players were bussed into the white part of town and when they finished their job, were sent back. The interaction between races occurred only during practice or games. The mentality of the white fans can be associated with the audience of a minstrel show. The blacks were the source of entertainment and when the white received what they wanted they pushed them back to the bottom of society. Neglecting to look beyond the surface the simulation of black people into the Permian athletics would appear as integration, however Permian sports in truth simply display the era’s status quo. The integration of schools should have been an opportunity for black student athletes coming to Permian High to receive a better education, but the focus remained on making sure these players were ready for Friday night. The lackadaisical approach to the education of black football players reveals the failure of the Odessa school system to ensure all students are adequately prepared to meet the requirements of being a productive and successful member of society. Boobie Miles was a had a documented learning disability and received his education in a small classroom setting, however the administration at Permian High disregarded these accommodations and placed him in mainstream classes. The classes he took as an upperclassman were more like courses that would be taken as a freshman. â€Å"Boobie was on a schedule that would give him the required course credits to graduate from Permian. But there was no way he could fulfill the requirements of the NCAA for the number of courses needed to qualify for a nonrestrictive scholarship†(Bissinger, 65). The school wasn’t concerned with ensuring that Boobie was learning, just concerned with keeping him eligible to play football each week. â€Å"Some teachers worked diligently and patiently with Boobie, aware of how hard it was for him to concentrate. Others just seemed to let him go, doing little more than babysitting this kid who, as one acknowledged, was destined to become the next Great Black Hope of the Permian football team†(Bissinger, 66). Boobie is denied an education by Odessa, it isn’t a priority to Permian High, as there concern with Boobie focuses only on the athletic ability he brought to their football team. The school failing the black athletes who are integrated into Permian supports the premise that the town isnt interested in making any significant changes to the educational opportunities of the black community, but rather satisfies with maintaining the status quo. The mismanagement of the future of the minority football players by the Permian Football coach conveys the message that these students are less important than their white teammates. Although the town of Odessa complied with federal laws by implementing integration, only six percent of students at Permian were black. The majority of black students are athletes and some are the best athletes on the football team. These students have potential to be recruited by colleges and even a chance of playing at the professional level. For the majority of these students, an athletic scholarship is the only means of attending college. Their families are extremely poor and have no experience nor resources to guide these athletes through the college admission process. Brian Chavez is not only a talented athlete, but he also is very bright and driven to achieve in the classroom. His strong grades and athletic prowess make him a strong candidate for Harvard University, but the coaching staff isnt inte rested in securing his future, because of his skin color; â€Å"The coaching staff at Permian did not contact the Harvard football team on his behalf†(Bissinger, 343). It is a common practice of the coaching staff to suggest players to recruiters and Ryan being one of the star players should have been at the top of the list, however he is not. When recruiters came to Permian to discuss players with the head coach, he ignores their requests to discuss black players and tries to sway them towards giving the white quarterback a closer look. â€Å"‘I gave everybody his name,’ said Gaines in his office one day, obviously discouraged. ‘Nobody has stepped forward and said they’re real interested.’†(Bissinger, 314). The coach is blinded by color, he sees the potential of the white players and works to give them a better future, however he is blinded to the potential of the black players off the field. He wants all players to continue the succe ss they experience on the football field, however he does not consider the powerful role he could play for the minority football players in giving them a future. The black athletes were important, but only for what they could do to help the Permian team and when their high school career is over so is their relationship with the coach. The neglect and mismanagement of minority players is made even more apparent when it is discovered by Chavez’s father that the film finally sent to Harvard highlights a game that Brian hadnt even played in. The coach shrugged it off and stated it had been an accident, but that same error has never occurred for any white player. The coach has racist tendencies, which are directly portrayed within his actions regarding the minority player. His racism reflects the similar views that a majority of residents in the town of Odessa. Instead of using sports as a vehicle for change, sports at Odessa reflect the reluctance of society to make any effective changes related to race relations. Sports have a unique ability to bring people together, to put aside differences as they cheer on their hometown team to victory. Sports also have the ability to be a vehicle of change, especially in areas where sports is an obsession. The coaches and educators at Permian high school have the opportunity to only bright to light the extreme level of racism in the town, but the detriment that racist causes. However, the town failed the students and society. Instead of increasing the educational opportunities for minority students, instead of increasing the educational expectations of all athletes, and working closely with all players to ensure they were prepared and had opportunities for a successful future; the sports program at Odessa only focused on winning football championships. When a sports team is extremely successful they are more likely to have a positive influence on society and this opportunity should never be wasted. Some high schools, such as Falmouth High School use a foo tball stadium as an opportunity to assimilate all students to come together to be apart of a victory by the football team. Whether it’s cheering in the stands, playing in the band or out on the field, everyone is together uniting for one goal, the Permian High School misses this astounding opportunity.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Foreign Aid From The United States - 918 Words
When I chose Brazil as the subject country for examining its foreign aid received, I ran into a bit of a dilemma. Brazil has evolved from being a foreign aid recipient and less developed nation of the past, to become a major foreign aid provider in recent years. This fact places this emerging country in a unique and interesting position as both a donor and recipient as of 2010 records reveal and Brazil’s donor status is on the increase since this new â€Å"middle-of-the-road†development status for this intriguing country emerged. Brazil’s modern history includes 300 plus years of colonization by Portugal form 1500 to 1800, to the establishment of its independent status in 1822. (2) Today, Brazil in its association with BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) bloc partnership, Brazil now distributes close to 4 billion dollars in annual global aid to less developed nations around the world, especially in sub Saharan Africa. (4) As a recipient of foreign aid, Brazil in 2012 received $2.4 million (US) in international humanitarian aid. Also, during the period of 2003 to 2012, Brazil received $ 4.5 billion (US) in official development assistance (ODA). (1) As a donor nation, Brazil contributed $1.3million (US) in humanitarian assistance in 2013 and $54 million in that same category of international aid (US) in 2012. (1) Due to global austerity, international foreign aid is on a constant decline around the globe. Some estimates place Brazil’s 2015 projected, combined giving,Show MoreRelatedThe World Enters A Globalized Age Essay1151 Words  | 5 Pagestheir own, and aid from a greater international power can make a large difference in the economy and livelihood of developing countries. The United States, annually, donates somewhere between $30-50 billion to foreign aid, in an effort to help those nations that find themselves torn by war, disease, poverty, a lack of education, and a myriad of other pro blems. 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They had faced difficulties in the development of constitutions and regulations. The selection of leader was an issue; the major task was to prepare military for the defence and protection of the state. In order to resolve all these issues, finance was the significant need. Despite several problems, the country is upgrading slowly and gradually. Numerous countries supported Afghanistan in terms of finance and monetary forms, but the support providedRead MoreRelationship Between Foreign Aid And Migration1414 Words  | 6 Pagesexplaining the relation between immigration and foreign aid. They hypothesis that (1) donor countries use this foreign aid to ‘aid’ or to further their own individual immigration policy goals, and (2) migrants, who have already moved, lobby their new countries for an increase in aid to their home countries. Anti-immigration parties and policies have come out of developed donor nations including Austria, Denmark, and the Netherlands. This social unrest stems from immigration of low skilled migrants to these
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Creative Metaphor - Definition and Examples
A creative metaphor is an original comparison that calls attention to itself as a figure of speech. Also known as a poetic metaphor, literary metaphor, novel metaphor, and unconventional metaphor. Contrast with conventional metaphor and dead metaphor. American philosopher Richard Rorty characterized the creative metaphor as a challenge to established schemes and conventional perceptions: A metaphor is, so to speak, a voice from outside logical space. It is a call to change ones language and ones life, rather than a proposal about how to systematize them (Metaphor as the Growing Point of Language, 1991). Examples and Observations Her tall black-suited body seemed to carve its way through the crowded room.(Josephine Hart, Damage, 1991)Fear is a slinking cat I findBeneath the lilacs of my mind.(Sophie Tunnell, Fear)The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.(Ezra Pound, In a Station of the Metro)Yeatss Dolphin-torn . . . SeaThose images that yetFresh images beget,That dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea.(W.B. Yeats, Byzantium)- Although this last line is acutely visual, its three main items, dolphin, gong and sea are as much literal as metaphoric elements of the scene: the poem had begun with the cathedral gong ringing out over the sea, and had gone on to speak of the dolphins in the waters around Byzantium. Of course, dolphin and gong also stand for something else--the vitality of the living animal, the majesty and authority of religion over the spirit, but they do this primarily as images. Direct metaphor is reduced to a subordinate position here, in the words torn and tormented , since neither of them can literally be applied to water. The first very vividly catches the force with which the dolphin leaps from and returns to its elements. The second communicates the extent to which that element is troubled by the demands of the spiritual.(Stan Smith, W.B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction. Rowman Littlefield, 1990)- By using metaphors, much more can be conveyed, through implication and connotation, than through straightforward, literal language. Take the case of . . . that literary metaphor dolphin-torn: what exactly is Yeats suggesting about the sea, and how else could this have been expressed? Just as writers convey meaning more open-endedly when they use metaphorical language, readers interpret less narrowly than they would literal language. So meaning is communicated between writer and reader in a less precise way, even though the metaphors may seem concrete and vivid. It is this imprecision, this fuzziness of meaning, which makes metaphor such a power ful tool in the communication of emotion, evaluation, and explanation too.(Murray Knowles and Rosamund Moon, Introducing Metaphor. Routledge, 2006)Creative Metaphors Outside LiteratureThe chaotic category creative metaphor includes typically literary examples such as novel metaphors and poetic metaphors. The crucial question is, however, whether it is possible to extend this category beyond literary examples. If this is possible--and an examination of the terms creative and creativity suggests that it is--then it will be possible to find many creative metaphors even in political discourse which is, actually, not very famous for being creative.(Ralph Mueller, Critical Metaphors of Creative Metaphors in Political Speeches. Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World, ed. by Graham Low, Zazie Todd, Alice Deignan, and Lynne Cameron. John Benjamins, 2010)Communicating Through Metaphors- Even though our individual stories are different, we communicate through the common language o f metaphor by embodying our ideas in images and details. By ruminating upon ourselves, we also conjure stories of others. By this acknowledgment of others experiences, we address a whole range of social, political, and cultural issues.Its impossible to live every life, fight every war, battle every illness, belong to every tribe, believe in every religion. The only way we come close to the whole experience is by embracing what we see both inside and outside the window of the page.(Sue William Silverman, Fearless Confessions: A Writers Guide to Memoir. University of Georgia Press, 2009)- The ground of appropriateness for a new insight provided by a creative metaphor--the compelling condition of the new similarity, what suggests that it fits--cannot be restricted to a complex of established perspectives. For it is this complex, or some part of it, that is challenged by the new insight.(Carl R. Hausman, Metaphor and Art. Cambridge University Press, 1989)  See also: MetaphorLove Is a MetaphorThirteen Ways of Looking at a MetaphorUsing Similes and MetaphorsWhat Is a Metaphor?
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Various Stages Of A Criminal Trial - 1523 Words
What are the various stages of a criminal trial? Describe each one. The various stages of criminal trials is certain stages of arrest that take place, and develop to an end point of examination. The defendant is held and reasoned by question whether or not there was a crime that has been committed. A trial can be reasoned and argue the case. This is done to have a conviction of the defendant, and to be proven guilty. One of the first stages is the â€Å"pleading stage†and it starts by filing of complaint by documentation that is submitted, leading into a summon and response, then a motion to dismissal of claims, and motion from judgment. The second stage is â€Å"pretrial†which questions are to be answered for the finding of facts. Pretrial leads into a motion for a summary judgement, which is reviewed to seek if there is enough merit. Cases could be dismissed if the facts are not relevant. Last for the pretrial stage is the pretrial order, and it is when the case will be determined by the court and all parties are recognized. The trial is last to take place with a jury selection and an opening statement for the jury. After an opening statement the plaintiff testimony is held for the â€Å"proceedings consists of the plaintiffs†who then present their experts and/or witness. There is the defense testimony in the following along with the redirection and recall, a closing ar gument, a charge to the jury who evaluates the case, then leads into the verdict, and last a judgement.Show MoreRelatedCriminal Justice System and Process Essay1347 Words  | 6 Pagesas Criminal Law (Law Library, 2011). Criminal law is also termed as Penal law, it comprises of rules as well as statutes that have been written by the Congress and the state legislators who deal with criminal activities (petty crimes, felonies or misdemeanors) that have a direct or indirect harm to the general public and is accompanied by penalties of these crimes, (Morrison, 2008). Criminal law is enforced by the government. Criminal law has sub-sections that include: Substantive Criminal LawRead MoreThe Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms1386 Words  | 6 Pagesdone in due time, and the process is not expedited without an outstanding reason as it can lead to misguided verdict. Furthermore, the criminal trial process in our society focuses on equality and promotes this principle by entitli ng an accused of even the most heinous crimes to civil liberties and processes as not to compromise the criminal trial process. A fair trial is an intrinsic right of all members of society making it fundamental to our being, and is ergo ensured to us all under s.11 of theRead MoreThe Criminal Trial Process: From Jury Selection to Sentencing1340 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿The Criminal Trial: Trail Process: From Jury Selection to Sentencing Introduction The criminal trial process is an interesting process that takes place in Courtrooms all across the United States and throughout the globe. This study intends to set out the various steps in the criminal trial process in the American justice system. A trial is described as a legal forum for resolving individual disputes, and in the case of a criminal charge, it is a means for establishing whether an accused personRead MoreCriminal Justice Essay1251 Words  | 6 Pagesvictims and the offenders. 2 Running Head: Midterm Essay 3 Summarize the evolution of the criminal justice system in America. Identify and discuss at least three (3) key U.S Supreme Court cases that have had a significant impact on the issue of individual rights versus public order, with respect to arrest, search, and seizure. In modern day America, the public’s view on the typical criminal has shifted from seeing him or her as a victim of social and personal unfortunate circumstancesRead MoreMidterm Essay1207 Words  | 5 Pagesinformation about each crime, its victims and the offenders. Summarize the evolution of the criminal justice system in America. Identify and discuss at least three (3) key U.S Supreme Court cases that have had a significant impact on the issue of individual rights versus public order, with respect to arrest, search, and seizure. In modern day America, the public’s view on the typical criminal has shifted from seeing him or her as a victim of social and personal unfortunate circumstancesRead MoreThe Criminal Procedural Code Of India1592 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION The criminal procedural code of India is a vast code containing all the possible procedures that one should follow so as to achieve the proper formula as to Fair, Just and Free trial. The constitution of India in its articles protects various rights of the citizens. This has been extensively discussed in the upcoming chapters of the project. The basis to understanding the criminal justice administration is that India follows an Adversarial system as practiced in the Commonwealth nationsRead MoreRights of Juveniles1267 Words  | 6 Pages C) Breed v. Jones – In 1971 a young man named Jones, aged 17, was alleged to have committed armed robbery. Jones was found to be unfit at an adjudicatory and was declared unfit to be tried as a juvenile and was transferred to the adult court for trial. He was found guilty in the first degree of armed robbery and was placed in the custody of the youth authority. Jones later appealed his case to the U.S. Supreme court claiming that he was pla ced in double jeopardy because he was already adjudicatedRead MoreCriminology And The Scientific Study Of Crime And Criminals767 Words  | 4 Pagesscientific study of crime and criminals including its causes. It is a sub-group of sociology which is the scientific study of social behavior. Criminology uses several fields of study, including psychology, psychiatry, statistics, and anthropology. 2. What is meant by valid and reliable statistics? A valid statistic measures facts. While a reliable statistic measures consistency from one measurement to another. This means calculating the amount and trend of criminal activity based on who commitsRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System and Courts in America973 Words  | 4 PagesBasically, there are two types of federal courts: constitutional and legislative. Constitutional courts are presided over by the Supreme Court and include regular courts such as Circuit Courts of Appeal and District Courts. These are the courts that hear trials that might ultimately end up in the Supreme Court for determining constitutionality. Magistrate Courts are federal courts. Also part of the federal court system are the special courts, mainly the United States Court of International Trade. FinallyRead MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System1266 Words  | 6 Pages The criminal justice system in England and Wales is made up of multiple agencies which all have different responsibilities, however they share the main objective of maintaining and enforcing the rule of law. The International Bar Association (2005) describes the Rule of Law as ‘the foundation of a civilized society’ with a society’s formal response to crime being the responsibility of the criminal justice system ‘more specifically in terms of a series of decisions and actions being taken by a number
Martin Luther King`s Persuasion Techniques Free Essays
The remarkable feature of Martin Luther King’s rhetorical style is emotional appeal and dramatic descriptions. In his essay, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†he uses argumentation and persuasion techniques in order to convince readers in his position and ideas. King possesses intelligence and ana lytical interest raising the audience to high emotional level. We will write a custom essay sample on Martin Luther King`s Persuasion Techniques or any similar topic only for you Order Now The main techniques selected for analysis are emotional appeal, logic, historical and current examples, testimonials, and fact and figure. Testimonials help King to give some recommendation to readers based on his own experience and life situations. King directly addresses his opponents: â€Å"MY DEAR FELLOW CLERGYMEN†(King). He uses testimonials to make his point and persuade listeners to agree with him. Using â€Å"fact and figure†technique, King persuades readers in rightfulness of his views supported by real facts: â€Å"the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound†(King). The audience feels that it is not a voice of the author, but a voice of the leader who really bears enormous burden of segregation trying to help millions of people to become equal with majority. Logic is another technique used by King to appeal to the audience and their mind. Following Walton, â€Å"The problem then is to understand generally how argumentation schemes can be seen as being a part of some framework of logical reasoning†(1996, 10). Logic means clearly expressed ideas and facts which allow the audience to follow thoughts and notions explained by the author. In the Letter, every argument forestalls the next one. â€Å"In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps †¦ â€Å" (King).  Vivid arguments and personal examples are logically connected which helps the audience to grasp the idea of the essay. Control of powerful feeling intensifies emotional appeal and adds dramatic effects. To give dramatic descriptions with intensity, to make the imagined picture of reality glow with more than a dim light, requires the author’s finest compositional powers. In the Letter, King creates a vivid image of racial segregation as â€Å"a burden†with deprives many racial minorities a chance to be free from oppression and humiliation. â€Å"We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by oppressor†(King). There is intensity of illusion because the author is pres ent, constantly reminding readers of his unnatural wisdom. Values are universal norms of behavior and conduct followed by all people in spite of their racial or ethical background. King uses eternal human values in order to join different nationalities and minority groups. â€Å"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you†(King).  The moral quality depends not on the validity of doctrines, but on the moral sense and arguments presented in the work. In both books, a certain amount of plot is based on emotional response. Exclamation marks, rhetorical question and parallel structure of sentences add emotional coloring. He appeals to such human values as tolerance and morals. Idiom and metaphors create sense of reality (How to Be Persuasive. 2001). King deals with his personal sufferings and expresses the effects of the segregation on his fellow friends on a scale of universal significance. Historical and current examples create a sense of reality which helps the audience to grasp the idea of equality and its role in historical process. The main feature of this essay is that King uses historical information based on reason and expiations of the events which attract attention of the audience. Historical examples include: St. Thomas Aquinas, Socrates, Adolf Hitler. King expects that his letter helps many people to â€Å"awake†from long sleeping and start fighting, because the new social order and ideas, and no doubt that in his society the main role is featured to democracy and freedom. â€Å"If today’s church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity†‘ (King). Personal tone is an important element of his rhetoric, because it creates a certain vision of segregation and inequality from the author’s point of view (Arguments and Persuasion Techniques in Writing, 1999). His language is logic and accurate, concise and creative. King’s rhetoric has strength, depth and delicacy of feeling. In sum, in this essay King uses traditional rhetoric techniques which help him to persuade the audience and appeal to their emotions and mind. More obvious rhetoric effects are achieved by explicitly controlling the reader’s expectations with the hopes and fears held by a common citizen. Works Cited Page 1.     King, M.L. Letter from Birmingham Jail. 1963, n.d.  http://www.nobelprizes.com/nobel/peace/MLK-jail.html 2.     Arguments and Persuasion Techniques in Writing. 1999. http://www.csudh.edu/dearhabermas/argpers.htm 3.     How to Be Persuasive. 2001. http://www.rinkworks.com/persuasive/ 4.     Walton, D.N. Argumentation Schemes for Presumptive Reasoning. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996. How to cite Martin Luther King`s Persuasion Techniques, Essay examples
Enviromental Pollution free essay sample
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people pollute their surroundings. People dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances, and damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides: People also pollute their surroundings in various other ways. For example, they ruin natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise. Nearly everyone causes pollution in some way. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems faced by humanity today. Air, water and soil-all harmed by pollution are necessary to the survival of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land available for growing food. Environmental pollution brings ugliness to our naturally beautiful world. We will write a custom essay sample on Enviromental Pollution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious. It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust from automobile causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But the automobile provides transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes air and water, but factories provide jobs for people. Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil, but fertilizers and pesticides are important aids to the growing of crops. Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit them Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be gradually reduced in several ways. Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop or cut down on certain polluting activities. And perhaps most importantly individuals and groups of people can work to persuade their representatives in government, and also persuade businesses, to take action towards reducing pollution. People have always polluted their surrounding. But throughout much of history, pollution was not a major problem. Most people lived in uncrowned rural areas, and the pollutants (waste products) they produced were widely scattered. People had no pollution causing machines or motor vehicles. The development of crowded industrial cities in the 1700‘s and 1800? s made pollution a major problem: People and factories in these cities put huge amounts of pollutants into small areas. During the 1900? urban areas continued to develop and automobiles and other new inventions made pollution steadily worse. By the mid 1990? s, pollution had affected the water in every major lake and river and the air over every major city in the United States and other industrial countries. Since the late 1960? s, millions of people have become alarmed by the dangers of pollution. Large numbers of people are now working to reduce pollution. Our earth is the only planet in the universe which h as an environment suitable for life. Air and water is needed for survival. Earth provided these essentials and man used them. This usage over the period has led to serious pollution problems that can be hazardous. Many industries have come up owing to rapid urbanization. Furthermore, there is an ever increasing demand of petrol and diesel for running various means of transport. As a result, a heavy amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, sulphur-dioxide and many more gases are polluting the air. The major threat to humanity comes from the development of nuclear sciences. The nuclear experiments worldwide are destroying the atmospheric balance. The poisonous gases, chemicals and dust released into the air fall back on earth as acid rain harming crops and life. This has caused various harmful diseases. Rain water is considered as the purest form of water. Water pollution in lakes, rivers, ponds and other water bodies is caused by surface water which carries a large amount of chemical discharge of industries and inorganic discharge of city sewage. Such impurities are a serious threat to the existence of mankind. Our country faces one more problem i. e. noise pollution. Loud horns during traffic chaos, screaming loudspeakers at different occasions and blasting crackers that almost make one deaf are killing the peaceful silence. Use of silencers, abiding by proper traffic regulations and checking excessive use of public speaker systems can help in reducing noise-pollution. This is the time of implement the steps for environmental Protection. It has been rightly said that there is something in this world money can’t buy, such as beautiful scenery and fresh air.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Taoism Essays (2025 words) - Taoism, Tao Te Ching, Tao, Laozi
Taoism Throughout history, Taoism has been one of the most influential religions of Eastern culture. This is certainly one of the most unique of all religions. Many Taoists, in fact, do not even consider it a religion; and in many ways it is not. Taoists make no claim that the Tao exists.1 That is what essentially separates Taoism from the rest of the world religions: there is no heated debate or battle over Taoist doctrine; there have been no crusades to spread the religion. The very essence of Taoism is quite the opposite. Taoism's uniqueness and open-endedness have allowed the religion to flourish almost undisturbed and unchanged for over two thousand years. The founder of Taoism was a man named Lao Tzu, who lived around the year 604 B.C.E. According to Chinese legend, Lao Tzu was an archivist in the imperial library at Lo Yang was known for his knowledge, although he never taught.2 When Lao Tzu left his position at the library, he went to the Chinese province of Chou. At the border, however, he was stopped and forced to write down his teachings. During this time, he wrote the Tao Te Ching, the major scripture of Taoism.3 After Lao Tzu's death, a man named Yang Chu (440-366 B.C.E.) took up his teachings.4 A naturalist and philosopher, Yang Chu believed highly in self-regard and survival as the core of human nature and direction. His ideals were personal integrity and self-protection, and said that he was unwilling to pluck one hair from his head even if all humanity were to benefit from it.5 The next influential Taoist philosopher was Chang Tzu, who lived from 350-275 B.C.E. He defined existence using Lao Tzu's teachings.6 He wrote fifty-two books in response to the Tao Te Ching, thirty-three of which still survive today.7 Using exaggeration and fantasy, he illustrated Lao Tzu's teachings and how the Tao acted in nature. His theories spoke of a cosmic unity which encompasses all reality and guides it naturally, without force, to its proper end.8 The Yin and Yang theory became part of Taoist philosophy around 300 B.C.E. when they were mentioned in the Hsi tz'u, an appendix to the I Ching.9 Yin and Yang are defined as the two forces in nature. They are often called the two ?breaths? or ch'i.10 Yin is the feminine principle, representing darkness, coolness, and dampness; Yang is the masculine principle, representing brightness, warmth, and dryness.11 Neither principle is good or bad; they are not opposites, but each is needed to maintain stability in the universe.12 This belief holds that everything is defined through opposition; consequently, the virtues of balance and understanding are highly valued.13 Taoism became an official religion between 100 and 200 C.E.14 Due to competition from Buddhism, Taoists adopted many Buddhist beliefs. During this pivotal point in the religion's history, searching for self-knowledge and wisdom were replaced by searching for solutions to sorrows and other physical problems.15 Alchemy and superstition became highly popular during this period of time, as Taoists tried to escape reality rather than to control the artificial and unnatural. Many Taoists used magic and the concept of Tao to try to extend the physical life rather than to focus on the afterlife.16 Gradually the religion becomes more complicated, with a wide pantheon of gods and a ruling hierarchy.17 The leader Chang Ling took the title ?Heavenly Teacher? in 200 C.E. He created a dynasty of high priests who manipulated Taoism to support a superstitious doctrine of magic and mysticism.18 Seizing higher power as a religious leader, he pioneered a merging of Taoism and Zoroastrianism into a system called Five Bushels of Rice Taoism. Eventually this developed into a society based on Mazdaism, a Zoroastrian sect, where every believer was charged five bushels of rice.19 Although the believers followed the basic Zoroastrian worship format, they worshipped different gods: the Tao instead of Ahura-Mazda, and the various Chinese folk gods in place of the Persian Angels.20 Three hundred years later, the philosopher Honen moved away from Mazdaism and combined Taoism with Buddhism. This simplified religion he created became known as the Pure Land School, or Amidaism. Gradually, however, Taoism again became tied to magic, and it failed as a religion.21 Today, only its original philosophies survive and there are very few followers of Taoism, mostly found in Taiwan.22 Although Taoism's religious practices deteriorated with advancing Western influence, its philosophical aspects have outlasted those of Confucianism and Zen Buddhism.23 For centuries, Taoism has been known as the Way of Harmony.24 This is because Taoists believe that the Tao leads all nature toward a natural balance. The Tao, however, is not
Monday, April 13, 2020
GED Essay Topics - How To Write A Good GED Essay Topic
GED Essay Topics - How To Write A Good GED Essay TopicThe University of Michigan offers students the opportunity to create a GED essay topic for the school's GED math and English classes this year. Many students take the GED exam in high school and then go on to college, but never take the exam again as a student. So for them, the GED essay is a great way to show that they have taken their GED seriously.Students have to pass the GED math exam to earn a GED score of 70 percent. You have to study for that test and then write an essay of five to eight pages. The GED essay topic has to demonstrate your commitment to the GED. Many students will try to convince their parents that they were not good at school but as an adult, you can show them that you have learned from that experience and are committed to earning your GED.Many people may think that the GED essay topics are impossible to write, but if you study what you are supposed to write you will find many GED topics that are fairly eas y to write. Many GED teachers offer help for students who are struggling with the GED essay topics.Help is available for those who would like to be more prepared for the test. Students can read some of the GED essays that have been submitted and find some great ideas that they may use in the writing of their own GED essay.Many math teachers offer online tutorials, but some math teachers do not have the time to offer this type of help for their students. Online tutorials can be found through the GED Testing Authority and they can give you tips on how to write a GED essay, and many of them will be available for download.Some math tutors may offer a GED test preparation package for students, but there are some students who cannot afford the time to devote to the preparation of atest. The good news is that many math teachers are beginning to offer tutorial sessions for those students who cannot afford to pay a math tutor.Help is readily available for the students who need it, so they do not have to worry about it. All you have to do is find the right math or English teacher for you and then write your GED essay.
Friday, March 20, 2020
The Plagues Place in History essays
The Plague's Place in History essays The Plagues Place in History The pestilence deeply affected individual and family behavior and consciousness. It put severe strains on the social, political and economic systems...Nothing like this had happened before or since in the recorded history of mankind and the men and women of the fourteenth century would never be the same (Norman F. Cantor). General scientific opinion is that, among other very deadly diseases like H.I.V. and the West Nile virus, the bubonic plague came to the world from the southern region of Africa and swept up through the Nile Valley in to Europe and the rest of the world. Though it had occurred numerous times before and would occur numerous times later, the most significant attack of the bubonic plague on the world would be in 1348 and 1349. In these times it would come to be known as The Black Death, The Pestilence, and quite simply The Plague. During these years it devastated the Western world especially England. Many believe that in fact that the Black Death ushered out the old world and allowed for the new world that we see today to be born. Though the plague was in fact a harsh blow to European society, it had deep-seated consequences with families and individuals. One of these families affected was the royal Plantagenets. They were a royal family whose influence was spreading all over Europe. One of the members of this family, fifteen-year-old Princess Joan was set to marry the heir to the throne of Castille, and thusly further the Plantagenets influence. But she was killed by the plague in Bordeaux, taking away an important diplomatic and influential opportunity for Plantagenets who may have someday dominated all of Europe with their influence. But the plague was not picky about those that it killed or those that it whipped about in its path. As the plague killed more and more people, there were fewer peop...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Philosophical Quotes on Art
Philosophical Quotes on Art How to tell an artwork from what is a work of art is not? What is it that makes an object, or a gesture, a work of art? Those questions lie at the core of Philosophy of Art, a major subfield of Aesthetics. Here is a collection of quotes on the subject. Theodor Adorno Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth. Leonard Bernstein Any great work of art... revives and readapts time and space, and the measure of its success is the extent to which it makes you an inhabitant of that world- the extent to which it invites you in and lets you breathe its strange, special air. Jorge Luis Borges A writer- and, I believe, generally all persons- must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art.​ John Dewey Art is the complement of science. Science as I have said is concerned wholly with relations, not with individuals. Art, on the other hand, is not only the disclosure of the individuality of the artist but also a manifestation of individuality as creative of the future, in an unprecedented response to conditions as they were in the past. Some artists in their vision of what might be but is not, have been conscious rebels. But conscious protest and revolt is not the form which the labor of the artist in creation of the future must necessarily take. Discontent with things as they are is normally the expression of the vision of what may be and is not, art in being the manifestation of individuality is this prophetic vision. Art is not the possession of the few who are recognized writers, painters, musicians; it is the authentic expression of any and all individuality. Those who have the gift of creative expression in unusually large measure disclose the meaning of the individuality of others to those others. In participating in the work of art, they become artists in their activity. They learn to know and honor individuality in whatever form it appears. The fountains of creative activity are discovered and released. The free individuality which is the source of art is also the final source of creative development in time. Eric Fromm The transformation of an atomistic into a communitarian society depends on creating again the opportunity for people to sing together, walk together, dance together, admire together.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Explain the evolutionary mechanisms that can change the composition of Essay
Explain the evolutionary mechanisms that can change the composition of the gene pool - Essay Example In addition, certain evolutionary processes such as natural selection and genetic drift cause a decrease in these genetic variations (Colby; Lerner). Mutation is a phenomenon by which chemical changes occur within the DNA which in turn alters the sequence of the gene resulting in a mutant gene. The extent to which the DNA is altered depends on the type of mutation which could be a point mutation in which on letter of the genetic code is changed, insertion or deletion of a stretch of DNA within a gene or inversion, translocation or duplication of a segment of the DNA. Such mutations can produce truncated proteins, abnormal proteins or a silent mutation that does not introduce any change in the resulting protein. Hence a mutation can have both a deleterious as well as a beneficial effect on the organism (Colby; Lerner). In addition to mutation, gene expression within an organism also depends on the built-in natural variation that occurs within a gene pool. Not all genes within an organ ism are expressed as only those which are activated produce their respective proteins and are hence expressed in the phenotype. Such selective expression of genes is also responsible for the variations observed between each individual (Veith).
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Economics of Crime and Capital Punishment Essay
The Economics of Crime and Capital Punishment - Essay Example  â€Å"The Economics of Crime†The economics of crime is the study of factors that cause crime and the consequences of criminal activities in the society as well as approaches towards the reduction of the criminal effects on the society. Economics of crime deals with the costs of criminal justice programs and policies and their benefits to the society. It also deals with analyzing market progress in regard to all activities associated with a crime like drugs, money laundering, and firearms, among others. Economics of crime still evaluates the effects of criminal activities on other aspects of life like healthcare, education, labor market, and substance abuse. â€Å"Capital Punishment†Capital punishment is a method of executing justice especially to offenders who have committed acute crimes like murder. It was highly practiced in ancient days, but later some people and courts found it unconstitutional and against human rights. There have been issues of debate on whet her it should be abolished or it should continue, and this remains a major issue of concern. Many countries so far have abolished capital punishment for all crimes, though there are others that retain it. However, the practice has not proved to be the best in deterring crimes. People differ on the kind of crimes on which capital punishment should be accorded, and the issue remains unresolved. However, capital punishment has a number of effects on the economy of a country especially with the processes involved in administering justice to offenders, and its cost to the entire society. The Common Economic View The economics of crime and capital punishment go hand in hand in dealing with the economic issues. The economics of crime help in determining the cost a country incurs when administering justice to offenders. For example, the society uses public and private resources to prevent crimes and administer justice to offenders. The economics of crime helps to know the type and amount of resources used to give punishment to offenders. Capital punishment, on the other hand, affects the economy of a country to a greater extent. Administering punishment to an offender goes through a number of processes that involve the use of many resources mainly because of its passing through the different panels to justify the offender’s liability for capital punishment. Thus, it affects the economy widely and should be discouraged. Friedman’s Letter to Bill Bennett The main topic in this article is the use of law enforcement to control drug use in America. This letter is important because it talks about the cost incurred in fighting drug use in America (Friedman 85). Milton urges Bill that the direction they take off using more police, imposing harsh penalties for drug users, increasing jails, among other measures will not help in fighting drug abuse in America, but would rather worsen the current situation. Milton argues that the measures taken are only a source of major evils. Enforcing harsh penalties on drug users only increases disasters for both users and society (Friedman 86).Â
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Situation Analysis Of Dairy Queen Milk
Situation Analysis Of Dairy Queen Milk This assignment covers the marketing plan for Dairy Queen Milk Pakistan.I have used many components of marketing plan to complete this assignment. In this assignment I have done situation analysis.In situation analysis by doing swot analysis dairy queen is a brand of Haleeb foods which is a strong company.It is pioneer in pouch packing.But the unavailability and the Situation Analysis of Dairy Queen Milk Situation analysis describes an organizations competitive position, operating and financial condition and general state of internal and external affairs. (By D.Power) Strengths: 1. Dairy Queen has good brand awareness because it is a part of Haleeb Foods which is a well reputed company in Pakistan and has a strong portfolio of brands. 2. Dairy Queen milk is facing low cost because it is available in the market in pouch pack which is less costly than brick packing. So it is bearing a low cost in the production of milk. 3. Dairy Queen Milk is pioneer in providing pouch pack because it is the one which has come in pouch pack. 4. Dairy Queen is facing less distribution cost because it has skilled and motivated staff. 5. Dairy Queen is providing a best quality and healthy milk because it is using an efficient Ultra heat treatment technology Weaknesses: 1. Dairy Queen milk has a big weakness of availability and access because it is not easily available at every shop and stores. It is only available in certain shops and stores. People face a lot of problems in finding it. 2. Many people do not have enough awareness about the Dairy Queen milk because it is not so much promoting itself by promotions. In many areas people do not have enough knowledge about. 3. Packing of dairy milk is not so good because people are not so much satisfied with this packing. Its packing is loose because it is proving pouch pack from which sometimes leak and milk pour out from the pouch. 4. Dairy Queen packaging is not so good because customer cannot easily hold it in the fridge as compared to Haleeb and Nestle. 5. Dairy Queen is loosing the share in the market because it is not fulfilling the demand of the customers sometimes it has become. Opportunities: Dairy Queen can attract the more customers who lie in middle income as well as high income bracket because there is high inflation in the Pakistan economy where as its price lies between the Olper milk and Nestle milk which are the competitors. Dairy Queen can increase its market share by reducing it price. Because people in Pakistan are more price conscious. Dairy Queen can increase its sales by going into new areas where people have acknowledged about this product but it is not available there. Threats: Floods in Pakistan is a big threat for Dairy Queen because it can a lot of problem in carrying the raw material into the factory and in distribution of the finished good to the market because roads network has been badly effected. Dairy Queen can face a more decrease in sales because it is not giving so much attention to the promotions of the product. So people do not know so well about the product and its features. Dairy Queen can be totally out from the market because the distribution force is not so much active and Dairy Queen is not easily available in the market. So it can create a negative impact in the mind of the customer. It can happens that another competitor introduce a same product then the market share of Dairy Queen will more effect because competitor product will attract the customers of the Dairy Queen. Dairy Queen can face a high cost of raw material in the future because their is recession and high inflation in the Pakistan economy so it will effect its Quality. Porters Five Forces The Five Forces model of Porter is an outside in business unit strategy tool that is used to make an analysis of the attractiveness of an industry structure.(Ref#6) Threat of Substitutes: Dairy Queen has threat of substitute from the loose milk and Gawalla market(shops who sell fresh open milk).There are many fresh milk shops and other milk that are available locally like in the streets of residential areas,markets and shopping malls.centers in the market. So the threat of substitutes is high because there is high inflation and recession in the Pakistan economy. So if the price of Dairy Queen milk increase then the customer will shift easily to the loose milk or other product. which is cheap in price. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Dairy Queen face a low cost in buying the fresh milk because it buy fresh milk in huge volume and it has a good supplier system which reduce the power of the supplier so their switching cost is not so much high. Dairy Queen collected is using two ways to collect the fresh milk from the suppliers one is self collection and the second one is contract collection. Switch cost and volume: As Dairy Queeen is a part of well known brand Haleeb and fresh milk is main ingredient for their UHT milk, so they know if they rely on few suppliers with large volumes,it can create problems for them.In order to reduce their supplier power it has a good supply system due to which its switching cost is not high. Bargaining power of buyers: Bargaining power of the customer is high,due to the availability of same product from other companies in the market almost at the same price.Initially when there not many companies in the market ,bargaining power of customer is more high. Buyer Information: In the recent time with the increase of electronic and print media ,awareness in customers have increases and now customers are aware what they are going to purchase and what are other products /brands are available almost at the same price,also people becomes health conscious.This ultimately affects any company sales and increase buyer power. PESTLE Analyses PESTLE is used to external analyses means analyses on the macro environment in which the business operates. PEST ANALYSIS Government has always tried promoting dairy industry within the country. For this government has given lots of relaxation to milk industry for instance there is no tax or excise duty on milk products. Government has a complete and comprehensive legal framework for milk industry to keep things in flow and up to mark within the industry. At the same time government keeps on revising its policies that could help improving overall industry. ECONOMICAL The main economic factor acting for this industry is uneducated suppliers of raw material, so lots of raw material is affected in terms of its quality and preservation issues and a big percentage of raw materials go to waste before its being processed. But at the same time UHT milk doesnt have any kind of taxes on it which makes it a good economic factor for the industry growth and improvements in its production. As UHT milk is a bit costly than the ordinary milk or non processed milk so income factor of consumer is always an important economical factor for the industry players. UHT milk industry carry consumers from middle and lower class and income level for this class has increased over time which is something in favor for the industry. SOCIAL Socially the most important thing for the industry is that people have realized the importance of UHT milk because of its safety and better health issues than ordinary milk that could carry lots of bacteria and germs during its complete delivery to the end user. But at the same time people avoid using UHT milk due to its cost factor, being costly consumption of UHT milk is far less than other un processed milk, but with the time and awareness among people they have realized that the cost they are paying does pay them back good enough in terms of health issues and quality of milk. So with time this issue is decreasing as people have got to know the value of what they are paying for. Critical social issue going around among consumer about UHT milk is that its something treated or created artificially, which is required to be taken care of by industry player through their awareness and information campaigns for their consumers to make them clear about such thoughts they carry about UHT milk to utilize better potential from the market. TECHNOLOGICAL First of all because the farmers or Gawala dont have the means of transportation to deliver the milk up the value chain themselves, and they also dont have the means to maintain the freshness of the milk (refrigeration) so that the milk retains its actual value. Both issues are related to the availability of appropriate technologies. Technology is, in this case primarily a function of capital. In milk and specially UHT milk industry technology is a critical factor in terms of barriers to entry. Although the market is already saturated, downward pressure on UHT milk prices could be created through either meeting existing capacity, or the establishment of new UHT plants. The downward price pressure would then induce new section of socio-economic cross section to enter the market as consumer of UHT milk. Custom duties on the import of packaging machinery, which is at the heart of the UHT segment of the industry (either TetraPack technology, or alternatives), are prohibitively high. The artificial cap on increase on demand of UHT there fore creates a negative impact on small farmers, who must continue to supply to the informal sector where they are subject to the Gawala. So because being expensive as high capital investments are required for establishing UHT milk plants due to heavy capital cost on machinery this industry is suffering. 1.4 Strategy Development Strategies are the means to achieving the organizations stated objectes.(Ref:Hand outs) The Ansoff Matrix: As Dairy Queen Milk is in declining stage so I propose in growth strategies the market penetration and product development for Dairy Queen. Because Dairy Queen is in decline.It is not achieving its goals as compared to its objectives.Dairy Queen is a part of a strong brand name Haleeb Foods.It will not take a long time.People are more price sensitive.I propose that Dairy Queen will spend more on advertisements and sales promotions.Because by doing advertisement and sales promotion it can attract more new customers as well as it will retain its potential customers. In sales promotions it will gives the discounts. Dairy Queen will also go for product development becauses people want new things or want change Dairy Queen will come with new products like Dairy Queen Dry milk and Dairy Queen tea milk. It will target there the lower income ,middle income who are price conscious and also the lower upper income level people because there is recession and high inflation in the Pakistan econom y so it will attract these people. LowThe BCG Matrix High Low High Star Question Mark ? Cash Cow Dog Market Growth Rate Dairy Queen Milk lies in Question Marks are high growth and low market share. Low market share often means low profits and weak cash flows because the market is growing faster than the product. So I propose to substantial investment to increase market share. If market shares grown then they can become stars and later cash cows. Gap Analysis: The company will use GAP analysis to confirm the gap between the forecast sales and the actual sales. It will choose the market penetration strategy. Because the product is in decline stage so the company will add more features in its product. So that it can achieve its target. Porters Competitive Strategies: I recommend that the company will choose two strategies one Focus and the second cost leadership. The company will choose focus strategy because it is targeting the middle income level and Lower income level customers. The company will use cost leadership strategy because it is giving low price milk so it is necessary for the company to bear the low cost as company is using pouch packaging for dairy queen which is cheaper than brick packing. Tactics: Tactics are measures and techniques that aid the achievement of strategies. Tactics usually include the use and manipulation of the 7Ps: Product: I propose that Dairy Queen will provide 1500ml packaging and 2000ml packaging because there are many people who bought milk in large volume specially the juice shops who use milk in milk shakes and the tea shops who use in tea and the colleges and universities canteens. These are the people who use milk in a large volume. Dairy Queen will also provide 160ml packaging because many people who do jobs like helpers in construction business who do not afford and only want one time tea. I propose that Dairy Queen will provide a good quality milk with a ninety days expiry date because most shopkeepers who buy the milk in bulk prefer the expiry date. Otherwise they can face a loss. I propose that Dairy Queen will launch dry milk in different packaging. It will give in 100g,180g,250g,375g,500g and 1000g because there are a lot of people who who like dry milk packaging especially in banks,oofices and the passengers during the journing. I propose that Dairy Queen will provide Special Tea milk because this milk will have the special ingredients for tea and it will catter or attract those people who wank best quality and tasty tea because want change new things.At the start Dairy Queen will provide 250ml and 500ml packaging. Price: I propose that Dairy Queen will charge low price according to volume or weight of the milk.It will charge or will give discounts for 1000ml,1500ml and 2000 ml packaging.Because by offering discounts according to the packaging of milk more customers will attract towards this. Dairy Queen Milk(ml) Price 160 250 500 1000 1500 2000 Prices for Dry Dairy Queen Milk Dry Dairy Queen Milk(gm) Price 100 180 250 375 500 1000 Dairy Queen Tea Mlik Dairy Queen Tea Mlik(g) Price 250 500 Place: I recommend that Dairy Queen will sell on large super stores which has a long chane in Pakistan like METRO PAKISTAN,MACRO PAKISTAN,H Kareem Bakhsh Store and Utility Stores.Becausse a large number of people or households go their for bulk shopping mean they do the shopping for the whole week and sometimes for the whole month. Also small stores will purchase the Dairy Queen from these large stores. I recommend that Dairy Queen will first determine the demand of the total market. Dairy Queen will divide the market. For example they will put Dairy Queen on the big stores according to their demand. One team of Dairy Queen will cater the colleges and universities canteens. First they will know the demand of them then they will provide. Another team will serve the railway stations and bus stations. Because there are also the canteens and the shops on the railway stations and bus stops. Promotion: I recommend that Dairy Queen will use different types of advertisements because it is going to mass production. Now it will not only go to promote the existing product but also the new products. I propose that Dairy Queen will advertise through TV and Radio because they are catering a big market and they are going to mass production. Through the TV they will create interest in the mind of the customer about the product.And there also some places where the people do not have the TV so through the radio they will catch the mind of the customer. I propose that they will also advertise t rough the print media leaflets. Specially for the new products like Dairy Queen dry milk and Dairy Queen tea milk. Leaflets should be done on the bus stopes and the railway stations where the passenger move every time. I recommend that in the big cites like Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad Dairy Queen will advertise through the bill boards because these are the posh areas and people spend a lot on the consumer goods.So by advertising through billboards Dairy queen will click the mind of the customers. I propose that dairy queen will also promote the product through the sale promotion.Sometimes dairy queen will give free samples on borrowing in bulk.For example if a shopkeeper will buy 10 cartons of dairy queen dairy queen will give free wall clock or a pack of glasses etc.Dairy queen will also give the incentive to the college and universities canteens because they are also purchase in bulk.So dairy queen can give discount in price per carton because by doing this it will motivate the canteen land lord.Sometimes dairy queen can also give like glasses with logo dairy queen.It will create a positive impact in the mind of the owner and also the customer. I propose that dairy queen will also promote its product through the sponsorships like when sometimes the domestic matches are happen because by doing this they will create social and corporate image.It can also promote through programs like sometimes it can arrange a concert in the colleges and universities by doing this it will create a strong relationship with its customers. I prose that when it launches its new products like dairy queen dry milk and dairy queen tea milk.It will give the free samples to the people.Dairy queen team will also go to schools,colleges and universities to test free samples. I propose that Dairy Queen will create a data base through which it will keep in touch like it should now the demand of the big customers like Metro and Macro Stores.Because by doing this it will also negociate for price because big stores will demand for price reduction. I propose that it will different incentives to their employees like in case of more sale it will give bonuses to their employees and it will give their employees the free medical treatment. People: I recommend dairy queen will give training to their employees because employees are the assets of a company. They should have the skills that how to deal with the customers. Because they have an important impact on the growth of the business. Specially the sales persons of a company who are the representative of dairy queen. Their behavior with the customers will be good. I propose that dairy queen will give certain incentives to their employees to motivate them.They should be given bonuses base on their performances.It should set the target for their employees and it will give the rewards according to the completion of their tasks.Its employees should be professionals.It should give or arrange training programs for their staff. Process: I propose that Dairy Queen will provide fast and good service because it is targeting a large market including small and large stores, college and university canteens, railway stations and bus stops. I recommend that Dairy Queen will provide as much more in the market as the demand I recommend that Dairy Queen will take care the supply of the milk in the market because if the supply will not meet the demand then it is possible that customers dissatisfy with the Dairy Queen and shift to another. There will not be shortage of any packaging and they should be inspection of the raw material which is necessary for the production of UHT milk and Dairy Queen will also take care the quality of the milk.Because if they will not check and balance then it is possible that Dairy Queen expire before which create a negative impact in the customer mind. Physical Evidance: I propose that Dairy Queen will be available at small shops and big stores and also the Utility Stores (Stores run by Government). It will be available in utility stores because by selling through utility stores it will be available to more people. Because many low level and middle income level people go to Utility Stores for shopping. I recommend that Dairy Queen will also sell at college and universities canteens because there are a large number of students in colleges and universities.Pakistan weather is warm so there are eight months of summer so by selling on canteens a lot of sales can be increased. I propose that Dairy Queen will also sell at Juice shops and tea stalls because mostly people who go for work go to these shops for tea and milk shakes. I propose that Dairy Queen will also sell at hotels which are there on stations and bus stops because many people go for journey daily. Action and Implementation: (Marketing Management Handouts) When a company have been set its marketing strategies and tactics that it becomes necessary to the company to turn them into actions and implementations. Dairy Queen will use its own marketing staff as well as it will hire or take the responsibilities of SAAM marketing agency. There are many methods for setting budget Percentage of sales Competitive parity All you can afford The objective and task method Arbitrary Historical I recommend that the company will choose competitive parity method to make budget for its product. Because Haleeb Foods is a strong company and it has a strong brand portfolio so it will set its budget according to its competitor. Monitoring and control: I recommend that the company will choose the monitoring technique to check whether it is achieving its objectives or not. For this the company will do the focus group survey and also the questioners survey to know the perception of the customers about the product. The company will do focus group after every six months and use the questioners survey quarterly. Because by doing these surveys the company will be in touch with its customers. Scheduling of planned marketing activities: Marketing Activities Time Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun July,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec Responsibility Budget (Rs 000) TV and Radio Advertisement Personal Selling Hiring and Training of employees Sales promotion Test marketing Monitoring customer satisfaction Advertising through print media Advertising through outdoor media Direct marketing(Databases) Sponsorships through games Sponsorships through concerts Product launches Media relations Publications Office layout and decorations 1.7 Monitoring and Control: We use monitoring on going process it means that we divide the whole year into different periods and then check the performance according to our objectives while in control we check the performance yearly. Q.3ly a)I have chosen the dairy queen because it was in decline stage. I think the basic reasons for its decline stage is the unawareness about the product it means that mostly people do not have much information about the product because of the less promotion of the product. If people do not have enough knowledge about the product and they do not know the features of the product they will not buy that product. The weak distribution system is also another drawback of the product. The company use their own sales force to supply its product but they are fail to fulfill the demand of the market because the shortage of the product and sometimes shopkeepers are also facing difficulty in providing that product. The packaging of the product is also another drawback because mostly people did not accept the this pouch packaging because they face problems to carry it. The expiry date is also another issue for the decline of the product because customers complain that the product expire before the ex piry date and due to this the shopkeepers also face a lot of problems. Previous Knowledge: Before Starting Masters in Business Administration I have done bachelor in commerce.I have studied Marketing in Bachlors but I have not gain a clear idea about the terms.Before MBA I just only Know that what is marketing mix I know only that it contain only four elements product,price,place and promotion. I have only some idea what is it. I do not know that how I can apply these terms. First I only know that product is a physical thing or a brand like coke, ice cream, burger,oil and detergants etc which I can buy from anywhere.And I have some idea about the product life cycle but not so much in detail. In my mind the price is only the money which we pay to buy something. I have not studied before the factors to concern with prices and the strategies for setting the prices. I have idea about the place mix but no so much because In my mind promotion mean was just advertisement and sales promotions Current Learning, Outcomes and applications: When I start first module MBA from London School of Business and Finance I have only the general overview about these terms of the marketing mix process. But know it is almost is the end of the first module and I have gained a lot of Knowledge about these terms not only general but also the specific. First I only know that there are only four Ps in marketing mix and only know that what is their meaning. But know I have learned that there are seven elements in marketing mix which are Product, Price Place, Promotion,People,Process and Physical evidence. Product is not only the in physical form but it can also be anything.It can be a service it can be an idea. Now I have a better knowledge about the branding first I only consider that it is only a symbol or logo which shows only the company importance but it is more than this.There are different benefits of branding for the consumers through it consumer come to know much about the product for example it gives certainty, reliability and reduce the risk and people are so much loyal about the brand. There are many strategies to set price for new product like Market penetration strategy,market skimming and early recovery strategy.For example if I choose market penetrate strategy for my product first I will choose low price for my product when my product will gain an increase in market share I will increase the price. In place mix I can choose the channel of distribution for my product. There are many factors to choose channel of distribution. For example it depends on the nature of the product. There are many ways through which I can promote my product. For example I have choose broadcast media TV, print media leaflets and outdoor billboard for advertisement for Dairy Queen milks. In people mix that they will be skilled and their appearance will be good looking and their behavior. The process mix like company policies, capacity level but not so much. Through physical evidence like Logos,Packagng and equipment etc a company can attract the customers. Previous Knowledge: Before starting MBA from LSBF I had idea about the marketing plan but not so much.I had only know that in marketing plan we do SWOT analyses, PEST analysis, BCG matrix ,set budget and finally implement. Current Learning outcomes and applications: Now I have clear idea about the marketing plan that how does it work. A marketing plan is a specification of an organizations activities and market intentions which gives a direction to a company to the future. The marketing plan process have following steps. S=Situation Analyses O=Objecting setting S=Strategy Development T=Tactical Development A=Action C=Control Situation Analyses: It includes following SWOT Analysis: It is helful to a company because by doing this a company able to know about its strengths and weaknesses and also see the opportunities and the threat in the industry in which it is performing. PESTLE analysis: It is helpful to a business to understand the macro environment in which the business is running or it want to go. It helps a business to understand the factors like plotical Government stability and taxation, economical interest rates and the ifflation,social lifestyles and values ,technological technological skills ,legal employment law and envitonment green issues. Objective setting: In objective setting a company set that what it want to achieve company has corporate ,business and operation objectives company use a SMART Criteria to set its objectives. Strategy Development: It helps company to make strategies for achieving objectives. Growth Strategies: The Ansoff matrix: It helps a company to decide that it will go for expansion or decide to grow.It contains Market Penetration Market Development Product Development Diversification The BCG matrix: It is used by those companies who have a portfolio of different products. It includes Stars Question Mark Cash Cow Dogs Gap Analysis: It helps a company to compare the actual profits with the forecast profits and finally GAP out the difference. Porters competitive strategies: It helps a company to decide whether to compete in certain segments or across the entire market or whether to compete through low cost or through differentiated products. Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus. Tactics: These are techniques that help a company in the achievement of the strategies. Actions: Action helps to turn marketing strategies and tactics into actions.It includes three activities, Allocating tasks and responsibilities Scheduling of marketing activities Setting the marketing budget Methods for setting budgets: A company can use any of the following methods for setting its marketing budget. Percentage of sales Competitive parity All you can afford The objective and task method Arbitrary Historical For example a small company can use All you can afford method. Monitoring or Control: It helps a company to sure that the objectives are being achieved according to their plans. In control we use different methods Benchmarking Balanced-scorecard The Marketing Audit Profitability control Sales control Appreciation
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